Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

you are running on an empty tank... reaching for anything.
it must suck to be so limited in so many ways that you have to claw and reach for anything just to survive.

This is a recurring sentences in your posts, that im so limited that I get desperate for something to say.

Irony of course being that these are also sentences in your posts

I really wouldn't put to much stock in your future though... might wanna put your gardening resume on line now and just call it.


After NTSS i still won't... maybe we can get a beer sometime and you can tell me all about it little buddy.  But i doubt it, must be a struggle what with lawns being so limited and all.


Duke is so limited (and EXTREMELY heated from what I've been reading) that he had to resort to blatant racism to get one over

So not only are you talentless, but you're hypocritical bigot on top of it all. If that's not X-Pac heat, I dont wanna know what is.

Pathetic that you felt the need to stoop to this level

Anytime you wanna visit $1,000 dollars says i make you my bit-h. fun fact.


im willing to bet good money you know I live in Florida. The nerves I have hit tonight though have humored me greatly

THATS why im better at this than you. I envoke emotions in ways you never could.

Look at you, I type a few words and you're throwing out overtly racisat remarks and getting ready to throw fists in real life for cash

What more can be said? Honestly. 

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i see we get to play the correct the idiot game again...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Please work on basic sentence structure. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Also, We already went over this... Catch Phrases and Themes.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You call me a bigot and racist... I say you are a Child, in Middle school... What do children do, they Mow Lawns, have Lemonade stands, and whatever else for cash. God you don't pay attention what so ever do you? It really shows how insecure you are about the color of your skin and what YOU think about people of your nationality. Also if you're Brazilian, which i assumed you are, that doesn't even fit. Get it together kiddo.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I also am very emotionless, when i was fighting mma i was the same way. Not A hair stands up on my forearm or neck. I could care less about the money or you, means nothing. I love the competition and the fact that i will stand over you when said competition is finished.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Had NO idea where you lived, in this actual thread i made a comment about West Coast time that it wasn't 9 or 10 o'clock when people were asking about Club whatever it was you were gonna do. Proving again you're an idiot and don't pay attention.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]And lastly, yes the first two sentences are recurring... for two, legit and obvious reasons:[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]1. because, in fact, they are 100% true. You haven't Won one a singles match in 2011, and as far as 2012 you haven't gotten a W either. You aren't intelligent enough to realize that what i talk about is so far above your head, that when you do open your mouth you just dig yourself deeper and deeper.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]2. No one else has brought this desire to try and one up someone in you, to go this long in digging in your very limited bag of tricks, ever. You are clearly seeing your short comings and it frightens you. Only natural for an insignificant human being. You should really be saying "Thank You for giving me things to work on, I now understand why you are the man."[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]soon... [/color]
can this thread reach 100 pages by sunday night!!??

will the ImThatOne/VeintiSiete feud reach the boiling point!!??

will anyone pay attention to BKMac!!!???

stay tuned folks.....
Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks


- Speaking of NTRumble, there is a feeling that YardFather may not be ready for the main event scene and that 4W may have to carry the match. Others feel that YardFather will be evaluated on his performance and officials will then decide where his character will go on forward.

The *%@%. I swear GHIMS has had it out for me since day one.

I'm not even going to waste a promo on you because you're just going to ignore it like you have in the past, instead, I'm all aboard the Lobo train. No Kanyon.

I mean, he did just come up with what many are considering...

Spoiler [+]
THE greatest idea ever
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I smell a catch Phrase...[/color]

will anyone pay attention to BKMac!!!???

The only guy paying attention to bkmac is casekicks. Give that man a match! I am vouching for that man with the orange font.

I completely forgot that bkmac beat jnsq yesterday too
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

 Edited 5 times
its a good thing you're on the taped show

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yes it is... Pyro (.gif) botched. Don't know why... you can see it clearly now though can't ya skipper.[/color]
Originally Posted by theDEEK

The only guy paying attention to bkmac is casekicks. Give that man a match! I am vouching for that man with the orange font.

I completely forgot that bkmac beat jnsq yesterday too

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I really had No idea case and BK were funkin and there was some challenge thrown out there.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Like really... who tries to fued with the burger king though... [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You all are really playing for third place right now.[/color]
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

can this thread reach 100 pages by sunday night!!??

will the ImThatOne/VeintiSiete feud reach the boiling point!!??

will anyone pay attention to BKMac DFly!!!???

stay tuned folks.....

Fixed got dammit.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

I still want my match against Deek. Make it happen, hombre.

I am your NTWE United States Champion, the Deek

And Dfly, I thought about your challenge while polishing my most prestigious of prestigious titles.

*holds up title*

*jobbers in the back with shaunhill and JDCurt sitting around jealous of my immense amount of camera time*

And I remembered something that one of our many COO's told us before the supershow:

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Here's the deal, SuperStars. At this time I would like to give notice to the NEW unique SUPERSTAR POINTS feature that is similar to the video game: SD! HERE COMES THE PAIN for PS2. For every promo you can earn up to 5SP, and for every match you earn an appropriate amount of SP depending on the match. (Bigger matches have more SP. Jobber matches have less SP) You may cash these points in for title shots, managers, run ins, match changes, and player attributes. It's going to be SSSIIIICCCKK.

You have to earn your damn opportunity to face me in the ring. Dfly, you've reminded me that I don't need to take requests from the scrubs and jobbers of our industry. As the best superstar in the NTWE, I am required to defend my title against the almost-best there is to offer. Peep_game is that almost-best. He gets the title shot. You don't get any taste of it. Go win some matches junior and save up on your precious SP points. Maybe then I'll even see you as worthy, but honestly, you should avoid battling me at all costs if you know what's good for you.

You may think I am speaking out of fear, but I am a good man Mr. Fly, I am honest, brave, and above all else, I put others before myself. Which is why I have decided to refuse your challenge out of the kindness of my angel-like heart. I am sparing you the cold, harsh, defeat you'd suffer going against not only me, but Peep_Game as well. Hell, even in a one on one bout I'd Deekslap you all the way from forum14 to the regional forums.

Now scurry along and go get yourself some wins. Hold your thank you's. I already know that I've done a good thing.

Your NTWE United States Champion has spoken.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

can this thread reach 100 pages by sunday night!!??

will the ImThatOne/VeintiSiete feud reach the boiling point!!??

will anyone pay attention to BKMac DFly!!!???

stay tuned folks.....

Fixed got dammit.

You just need something extra. A mask perhaps..

Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]
I smell money.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

can this thread reach 100 pages by sunday night!!??

will the ImThatOne/VeintiSiete feud reach the boiling point!!??

will anyone pay attention to BKMac DFly!!!???

stay tuned folks.....

Fixed got dammit.

You just need something extra. A mask perhaps..

Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]
I smell money.
I support this.
I'm bout to pimp this mid-card out. It's gonna be looking like the attitude era up in this $*!!%.


Not one of those on that ho-train look appealing to me.

Has that always been the case?

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

I want a mask!

Also, I could have sworn me and Deek switched. He was heel and I was twiner/face....

This is accurate as well.
I want a mask!

Also, I could have sworn me and Deek switched. He was heel and I was tweener/face....
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by theDEEK

I completely forgot that bkmac beat jnsq yesterday too

When will it end!?

It won't end..And what do you mean the same old thing from me?..A promo is supposed to be about how bad you are and how much better than you I am..It's supposed to be about how I'll make you tap..What it's not supposed to be about is one man calling another man a "prissypants"..Quit bein' a little b itch and accept the challenge..Don't be scared, all you have to do is just TAP!..
I'd like to throw my name in the hat for the early candidates for Lobo's Committee (stable name?).

My in ring days are limited, and this Road to NTManiaII may be my last hurrah.

Time to let the young'ns shine and let this old grizzeled vet shine in a behind the scenes role.


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I'm not even old
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]it's how you build son... you'll never know.[/color]

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