Wrestling Thread Jan 5-18 | 1/16 New Japan Debuts on AXS 9pm et - Tanahashi v Okada 2013

Booker wasn't bad on Monday. He didn't go along with and cosign every single joke from JBL like Lawler does and he was actually talking about the people that were in the ring without having to make fun of them all the time.
Jerry Lawler is just another obvious reason why Vince is out of touch..His schtick in the A.E. was tiresome at best, and to think that 20 yrs. later the same old lame 1-liners are still relevant is beyond stupid..I've never like Lawler at the announce table and they have got to find a way to bring someone new in and send Jerry out to pasture..
Booker did good Monday. Lawler been played for the past 17 years.William regal would be good on Raw.
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Thought Booker was fine on Monday. Not great, but better than Lawler. I'll take anything over Lawler at this point.
I'll take anything over lawler. He's just a pervert that babbles. JBL is terrible too. He buries the talent consistently and you can't tell if he's a heel or a face so he loses all credibility whenever he talks.

Hate to say it but cole is the best person on that announce team
i guess hogan would never be a good commentator as all other wrestlers are below him thus he wouldn't put anyone over but remain a face himself

otherwise he'd be good...he is still more coherent than most retired wrestlers
booker t's guttural drawl is harsh on my ears tho

he needs to either lay off the dank or bring throat lozenges with him but he'd still sound atrocious
I'd rather hear booker the Cole though. His idea of calling a match and showing emotion is repeating things 4 times.

Just watch the final minute or so of the main event of last years mania. Dude probably says a few lines total but says it enough times to make people think he had Tourette's
It's the same way that liking him doesn't make him a good trainer.

I dunno. He was never anything special to me in the ring and when I saw his stuff it never made me think "Man...this guy should be training people" Plus there are quite a few wrestlers who've had negative things to say about his style of training.

But you're right, I'm just an outside observer.

You can be an ok to not so good wrestler and still be a good teacher. Same goes with golf. They can be a decent to whatever golfer but be a great teacher or coach.

i would have gone with jesse ventura as commentator but maybe that's just me

Jesse as commentator was :pimp: back in the day. Dude was a good heel commentator. He drew the heat on the wrestler not on himself and he did a great job justifying for the heels. Unlike today's commentators who just clown on you no matter if you're a heel or face. :smh:
Fantasy booking for WM31 For me would be a MITB ladder match featuring only NXT wrestlers. Imagine:
Balor vs Owens vs zayn vs Neville vs Itami vs..... Enzo? Or Corbin?
Enzo???? :lol: he can't wrestle at all bro at ALL!

Corbin is the reigns of nxt. Dempsey>>>> Corbin. It's not even close.
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Fantasy booking for WM31 For me would be a MITB ladder match featuring only NXT wrestlers. Imagine:
Balor vs Owens vs zayn vs Neville vs Itami vs..... Enzo? Or Corbin?
Hmmm would it be for the NXT title, a contract on the main roster, or maybe an intercontinental title shot?  They could do it every year.  Have it on the pre-show.  That's pretty genius.
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