Wrestling Thread Jan 5-18 | 1/16 New Japan Debuts on AXS 9pm et - Tanahashi v Okada 2013

We should definitely be able to have at least 2 RR pools going this year...

Why in the world are they doing a RR lottery special? The whole point of the match is the anticipation of who is coming out next...
Yeah pool 1 should be for regulars with the prizes and everything. Pool 2 is for the jobbers and lurkers. 1 prize for pool 2, overall winner for that pool gets the autographed miz picture. Any Secret Santa dead beats should be banned from the thread
Yeah pool 1 should be for regulars with the prizes and everything. Pool 2 is for the jobbers and lurkers. 1 prize for pool 2, overall winner for that pool gets the autographed miz picture. Any Secret Santa dead beats should be banned from the thread

Not sure what happened with Penny sending out my gifts. Not sure if it's legit or not but just sayin...I never got anything this xmas from
The NTWT SS. :frown:
@22stylez  I think he mentioned a page or two back that he thinks it was stolen and that he'd send you something else.

But we're already in mid-January, b.
Nah all good man. I doubt it was stolen. I never get anything stolen from my mail. I live in the hills and I never had mail issues. But it's cool.
I was the last PPV's mvp by going 2 for 3 in my matches..I better have a f**king spot..
I still don't believe that Curtis Axel is in anyway shape or form related to Mr. Perfect, let alone his son.
So am I considered a jobber?? I thought I was AT least Mid card level on some Luke Harper stuff :/

You're a Monday night jobber. I only see u post when RAW is on :lol:

My own opinion. Just the top of my head the regulars that post here are:
-mr dfly
-big ego
-green rhino
-cash flow
-6 rings MJ

Am I missing anyone?
The homies b sox and furious stylez were missing. Maybe I missed them :lol:
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