Wrestling Thread Jan 3-9 | 1/9 TNA Genesis - Angle vs Jarrett | RVD vs ??? | Beer Money vs MCMGs

1. WWE title goes to smackdown and the WHC goes to Raw.
2. Ric Flair returns to WWE and someone challenges him to a match (the writers think the WWE universe only watches WWE or know that no one really watches TNA) Cole or Flair himself will remind the WWE universe that Flair hasn't wrestled since WM24 and he's keeping his promise to HBK and will never wrestle again.

Hypercutter -- You come in here running your mouth.

You're exactly what's wrong with Niketalk.  It's full of fat ugly Cena marks like you.

I put punkass little kids like you in your damn place all the time.

Stick to the undercard kid.  You can't hang with the main eventers.  Don't make me put you away for good.

I'm done with you.


Hypercutter -- You come in here running your mouth.

You're exactly what's wrong with Niketalk.  It's full of fat ugly Cena marks like you.

I put punkass little kids like you in your damn place all the time.

Stick to the undercard kid.  You can't hang with the main eventers.  Don't make me put you away for good.

I'm done with you.

Flair won't go back to WWE.

He makes good doing TNA and public appearances (something WWE wouldn't let him do while he was there)
Flair won't go back to WWE.

He makes good doing TNA and public appearances (something WWE wouldn't let him do while he was there)
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Latest on negotiations between Goldberg and WWE.

I'm told WWE is still quietly negotiating with Bill Goldberg regarding an appearance at Wrestlemania XXVIIin Atlanta. As for the likelihood of a deal being reached, sources have indicated that both sides are still "very far" apart.

Goldberg is interested in a one night only return for a possible farewell match at Wrestlemania while Vince McMahon wants to sign Goldberg for an entire year, with an option for a second year.

Sources close to Goldberg say his mindset is pretty simple. Turning down seven figures for one night is not an easy thing to do, but turning down seven figures for a year or two is much easier.
Is Vince nuts?  One night is fine.  We don't need any more than that.

Vince McMahon paranoid about John Cena angle.

Vince McMahon has been so paranoid about the John Cena angle he has actually been kayfabing the writers and no one knows how it is going to end except him.
I'm not being sarcastic when I say what angle.  His feud with Punk?

WWE in discussions to air Wrestlemania XXVII in 3D.

WWE and Fathom Events continue to discuss a 3D presentation of Wrestlemania XXVII in movie theaters this year but according to sources close to the negotiations, the deal is looking like a dead end. WWE and Fathom are very far apart on the percentage split of revenues and with time running out to make a deal, it's doubtful they can close the gap. WWE is looking for a much more favorable split than what they receive from cable operators while Fathom Events is looking to maintain the split already used in their other agreements.

WWE receives approximately 42% of cable revenue and closer to 50% of satellite revenue. They're looking for 60-70% of the closed circuit revenue that would be generated by a theater presentation and thus far, Fathom has refused to entertain a split of that nature. While it's still possible that either side could budge and salvage the deal, at this time, it appears unlikely.
That'd be cool but I doubt I'd go (since I'd probably be by myself).

Dixie Carter reportedly upset with TNA writing team and disillusioned with TNA overall.

Dixie Carter is said to be "very upset" with the TNA writing team and with low house show attendance. Carter was reportedly against turning Jeff Hardy heel because she felt it would "kill" house show attendance. I'm told Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff and others assured her it would actually increase house show attendance because people would come to boo Jeff. So far, this has turned out not to be the case.

Dixie is said to be "very disillusioned" with things in TNA right now and while she has a reputation of not showing public disappointment or being upset, her demeanor has changed a lot lately. People in the TNA office are becoming concerned if things do not improve in 2011 she might consider pulling the plug on the company.
It's about damn time.  TNA is hopeless.

How Miley Cyrus could have possibly caused a WWE loophole to close.

One topic that has been making headlines in the national media lately has been "legal weed" marijuana substitutes such as Salvia, K2 incense and other such products. A video of pop singer Miley Cyrus smoking Salvia out of a bong that hit the Internet caused public outrage and many politicians have spoken about outlawing some of these popular currently legal herbs. Many of these products are very popular with several WWE Superstars who have previously failed drug tests for marijuana use (testing positive for marijuana does not carry a suspension but a fine). There has been some nervousness in the locker room that this loophole could end up being closed if the negative media attention continues. While some of these products are illegal in some states, WWE does not currently test for them.

<3 <3 <3 Miley

TNA reaches out to Diamond Dallas Page.

Believe it or not, TNA recently reached out to Diamond Dallas Page to gauge his interest in returning to the company. I'm told DDP is not interested and is hoping to land more acting gigs.

DDP has been spending a lot of time with Steve Austin in Los Angeles, hoping to make more connections in the acting world.
LOL yeah, DDP is going to turn TNA around.

Major change considered for the future of TNA iMPACT and who is against it.

There has been been a lot of talk lately about TNA Wrestling considering to begin experimenting with taping Impact on the road. Some in the company have been very vocal for quite some time the fans in Orlando are burnt out and the energy level just doesn't compare with the pay-per-views and even house shows run in other markets.

However, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are two members of the camp extremely opposed to the idea. They claim the idea is too risky as it would add considerable expense and with house show attendance down lately, it wouldn't be the right time to add the expense of taping outside of Universal Studios.

While those concerns may be valid, many have rolled their eyes at Hogan's argument and feel he simply likes the convenience of TNA taping so close to his home and is resistant to the idea of having to go on the road for TV.
Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo need to go.

CM Punk looks at commentary as "retirement plan".

The "Geek To Me" blogger on Chicago Now has a new interview online with CM Punk. In it, he promotes his return to the ring in Chicago and talks about his time on commentary. Below is a quote from Punk:

I kind of basically looked at it [commentary] as my retirement plan now. That's definitely something I can do when I'm not wrestling anymore. And believe it or not -- this sounds horrible -- but it was really easy for me. [laughs] I would really love to do both. I'd love to wrestle and do commentary, I think that would be awesome.

Click here to read the full interview.

Why Kevin Nash is in no hurry to sign a contract with TNA; how Nash's situation caused a rift in the Carter family.

Kevin Nash announced on his Twitter a couple weeks ago he will be wrestling in Chile on January 15 along with Scott Steiner, Rikishi and more to be announced. This is a deal Nash has been working on for several months and one of the reasons he wasn't in a rush to re-sign with TNA. The promoters in Chile are treating this event as a test run and if it does well, they hope to begin running tours of the country two to three times a year.

Dixie Carter has always wanted to re-sign Nash but her mother, who signs off on all TNA expenses, blocked the original deal. Sources close to the Carter family tell us this actually caused a rift between Dixie and her mother as they have argued over Nash's contract for months.
Just another person TNA doesn't need.

Scott Goldman (Colt Cabana) back to WWE?

I'm told WWE actually sent out feelers to Cabana earlier last year to gauge his interest in a potential comeback to the company. Nothing ever became of it but his friendship with Punk certainly keeps him on their radar. I'm told Cabana currently has some reality television stuff on the table and is in "no rush" to try WWE again.
Colt would never get a push in WWE.

What Tommy Dreamer has been up to.

Tommy Dreamer has expressed interest in having more of a role backstage in TNA Wrestling. Dreamer worked as an agent for two of the matches at last Sunday's Final Resolution pay-per-view and enjoys the role.
And ANOTHER person TNA doesn't need.

Miss Tesmacher rips Melina.

Women's wrestling website Divas-365.com features an article on TNA talent Brooke Adams (a/k/a Miss Tessmacher) clearing up a rumor about being released from her contract with WWE in 2007 due to an argument backstage with Melina about wearing furry boots for a match. "The reason I left WWE never had anything to do with her, that was just a rumor. When I left I was actually the only person that liked her. She was such a rude, fake, b***h to everyone. She then tried to turn my girls Layla and Kelly Kelly against me by telling them a lie that I said which in reality was a rumor that SHE started. It was never anything I said. I can't stand her and neither can most of the rest."
Dat Mass
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Latest on negotiations between Goldberg and WWE.

I'm told WWE is still quietly negotiating with Bill Goldberg regarding an appearance at Wrestlemania XXVIIin Atlanta. As for the likelihood of a deal being reached, sources have indicated that both sides are still "very far" apart.

Goldberg is interested in a one night only return for a possible farewell match at Wrestlemania while Vince McMahon wants to sign Goldberg for an entire year, with an option for a second year.

Sources close to Goldberg say his mindset is pretty simple. Turning down seven figures for one night is not an easy thing to do, but turning down seven figures for a year or two is much easier.
Is Vince nuts?  One night is fine.  We don't need any more than that.

Vince McMahon paranoid about John Cena angle.

Vince McMahon has been so paranoid about the John Cena angle he has actually been kayfabing the writers and no one knows how it is going to end except him.
I'm not being sarcastic when I say what angle.  His feud with Punk?

WWE in discussions to air Wrestlemania XXVII in 3D.

WWE and Fathom Events continue to discuss a 3D presentation of Wrestlemania XXVII in movie theaters this year but according to sources close to the negotiations, the deal is looking like a dead end. WWE and Fathom are very far apart on the percentage split of revenues and with time running out to make a deal, it's doubtful they can close the gap. WWE is looking for a much more favorable split than what they receive from cable operators while Fathom Events is looking to maintain the split already used in their other agreements.

WWE receives approximately 42% of cable revenue and closer to 50% of satellite revenue. They're looking for 60-70% of the closed circuit revenue that would be generated by a theater presentation and thus far, Fathom has refused to entertain a split of that nature. While it's still possible that either side could budge and salvage the deal, at this time, it appears unlikely.
That'd be cool but I doubt I'd go (since I'd probably be by myself).

Dixie Carter reportedly upset with TNA writing team and disillusioned with TNA overall.

Dixie Carter is said to be "very upset" with the TNA writing team and with low house show attendance. Carter was reportedly against turning Jeff Hardy heel because she felt it would "kill" house show attendance. I'm told Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff and others assured her it would actually increase house show attendance because people would come to boo Jeff. So far, this has turned out not to be the case.

Dixie is said to be "very disillusioned" with things in TNA right now and while she has a reputation of not showing public disappointment or being upset, her demeanor has changed a lot lately. People in the TNA office are becoming concerned if things do not improve in 2011 she might consider pulling the plug on the company.
It's about damn time.  TNA is hopeless.

How Miley Cyrus could have possibly caused a WWE loophole to close.

One topic that has been making headlines in the national media lately has been "legal weed" marijuana substitutes such as Salvia, K2 incense and other such products. A video of pop singer Miley Cyrus smoking Salvia out of a bong that hit the Internet caused public outrage and many politicians have spoken about outlawing some of these popular currently legal herbs. Many of these products are very popular with several WWE Superstars who have previously failed drug tests for marijuana use (testing positive for marijuana does not carry a suspension but a fine). There has been some nervousness in the locker room that this loophole could end up being closed if the negative media attention continues. While some of these products are illegal in some states, WWE does not currently test for them.

<3 <3 <3 Miley

TNA reaches out to Diamond Dallas Page.

Believe it or not, TNA recently reached out to Diamond Dallas Page to gauge his interest in returning to the company. I'm told DDP is not interested and is hoping to land more acting gigs.

DDP has been spending a lot of time with Steve Austin in Los Angeles, hoping to make more connections in the acting world.
LOL yeah, DDP is going to turn TNA around.

Major change considered for the future of TNA iMPACT and who is against it.

There has been been a lot of talk lately about TNA Wrestling considering to begin experimenting with taping Impact on the road. Some in the company have been very vocal for quite some time the fans in Orlando are burnt out and the energy level just doesn't compare with the pay-per-views and even house shows run in other markets.

However, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are two members of the camp extremely opposed to the idea. They claim the idea is too risky as it would add considerable expense and with house show attendance down lately, it wouldn't be the right time to add the expense of taping outside of Universal Studios.

While those concerns may be valid, many have rolled their eyes at Hogan's argument and feel he simply likes the convenience of TNA taping so close to his home and is resistant to the idea of having to go on the road for TV.
Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo need to go.

CM Punk looks at commentary as "retirement plan".

The "Geek To Me" blogger on Chicago Now has a new interview online with CM Punk. In it, he promotes his return to the ring in Chicago and talks about his time on commentary. Below is a quote from Punk:

I kind of basically looked at it [commentary] as my retirement plan now. That's definitely something I can do when I'm not wrestling anymore. And believe it or not -- this sounds horrible -- but it was really easy for me. [laughs] I would really love to do both. I'd love to wrestle and do commentary, I think that would be awesome.

Click here to read the full interview.

Why Kevin Nash is in no hurry to sign a contract with TNA; how Nash's situation caused a rift in the Carter family.

Kevin Nash announced on his Twitter a couple weeks ago he will be wrestling in Chile on January 15 along with Scott Steiner, Rikishi and more to be announced. This is a deal Nash has been working on for several months and one of the reasons he wasn't in a rush to re-sign with TNA. The promoters in Chile are treating this event as a test run and if it does well, they hope to begin running tours of the country two to three times a year.

Dixie Carter has always wanted to re-sign Nash but her mother, who signs off on all TNA expenses, blocked the original deal. Sources close to the Carter family tell us this actually caused a rift between Dixie and her mother as they have argued over Nash's contract for months.
Just another person TNA doesn't need.

Scott Goldman (Colt Cabana) back to WWE?

I'm told WWE actually sent out feelers to Cabana earlier last year to gauge his interest in a potential comeback to the company. Nothing ever became of it but his friendship with Punk certainly keeps him on their radar. I'm told Cabana currently has some reality television stuff on the table and is in "no rush" to try WWE again.
Colt would never get a push in WWE.

What Tommy Dreamer has been up to.

Tommy Dreamer has expressed interest in having more of a role backstage in TNA Wrestling. Dreamer worked as an agent for two of the matches at last Sunday's Final Resolution pay-per-view and enjoys the role.
And ANOTHER person TNA doesn't need.

Miss Tesmacher rips Melina.

Women's wrestling website Divas-365.com features an article on TNA talent Brooke Adams (a/k/a Miss Tessmacher) clearing up a rumor about being released from her contract with WWE in 2007 due to an argument backstage with Melina about wearing furry boots for a match. "The reason I left WWE never had anything to do with her, that was just a rumor. When I left I was actually the only person that liked her. She was such a rude, fake, b***h to everyone. She then tried to turn my girls Layla and Kelly Kelly against me by telling them a lie that I said which in reality was a rumor that SHE started. It was never anything I said. I can't stand her and neither can most of the rest."
Dat Mass
since dsk has come bzck from his "vegetative state" to do N&N, i will debut something new starting tomorrow

aside from my highly anticipated and widely popular predictions that i post, i will be bringing.....

GHIMS Did You Know Minute

i will basically post interesting but true facts about wrestlers from the past, present and future. it will only take a min. or less of your time. stay tuned!!!!!!!
since dsk has come bzck from his "vegetative state" to do N&N, i will debut something new starting tomorrow

aside from my highly anticipated and widely popular predictions that i post, i will be bringing.....

GHIMS Did You Know Minute

i will basically post interesting but true facts about wrestlers from the past, present and future. it will only take a min. or less of your time. stay tuned!!!!!!!
If Bischoff and Co. knew how over Bill Goldberg was going to be, they would've squashed him like a bug.
If Bischoff and Co. knew how over Bill Goldberg was going to be, they would've squashed him like a bug.
Heath Slater has been graced as an Action Figure


Get used to this face. It's going to be around a long time..

Heath Slater has been graced as an Action Figure


Get used to this face. It's going to be around a long time..

Smackdown Spoilers (Best Smackdown in Months)
Spoiler [+]
Edge b Kane in a last man standing match to keep the WWE title
Kingston b Ziggler.  After the match, Vickie Guerrero demanded the match be restarted.  Kingston then pinned Ziggler a second time to decisively win the title

Ziggler then won a four-way to become the top contender for the World title over Big Show, Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes.  It was scheduled as a three-way but Vickie added Ziggler to the match, and Ziggler pinned Rhodes to win it.  Show was on the verge of winning when Barrett showed up to attack him and start a new program.

Ezekiel Jackson is still coming to Smackdown.

Michelle McCool b Kelly Kelly.  Post-match McCool and Layla continued to beat down Kelly until McIntyre made the save.

Alberto Del Rio b Rey Mysterio in 2/3 falls.  Del Rio won the first fall with the armbar.  Mysterio won the second fall with the 619.  Del Rio pinned Mysterio for the third fall when Ricardo Rodriguez held down Mysterio's leg as he tried to kick out.  

Mysterio attacked and laid out Rodriguez after the match.
Smackdown Spoilers (Best Smackdown in Months)
Spoiler [+]
Edge b Kane in a last man standing match to keep the WWE title
Kingston b Ziggler.  After the match, Vickie Guerrero demanded the match be restarted.  Kingston then pinned Ziggler a second time to decisively win the title

Ziggler then won a four-way to become the top contender for the World title over Big Show, Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes.  It was scheduled as a three-way but Vickie added Ziggler to the match, and Ziggler pinned Rhodes to win it.  Show was on the verge of winning when Barrett showed up to attack him and start a new program.

Ezekiel Jackson is still coming to Smackdown.

Michelle McCool b Kelly Kelly.  Post-match McCool and Layla continued to beat down Kelly until McIntyre made the save.

Alberto Del Rio b Rey Mysterio in 2/3 falls.  Del Rio won the first fall with the armbar.  Mysterio won the second fall with the 619.  Del Rio pinned Mysterio for the third fall when Ricardo Rodriguez held down Mysterio's leg as he tried to kick out.  

Mysterio attacked and laid out Rodriguez after the match.
Spoiler [+]
my dude ziggler

mcintyre face turn? interesting.........he was way over as a face in IWW and FCW
Spoiler [+]
my dude ziggler

mcintyre face turn? interesting.........he was way over as a face in IWW and FCW
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