Wrestling Thread Jan 28-Feb 3 | 1/31 TNA Impact From England - Angle v Anderson, RVD v Ion v King

- After tonight’s WWE RAW ended in Las Vegas, Vince McMahon finally made it up from the F-5 and left the ring. John Cena came out and called out birthday boy Sheamus for a Happy Birthday celebration.

Everyone sang to Sheamus until Dolph Ziggler interrupted. Cena hit him with an Attitude Adjustment and he caught a Brogue Kick from Sheamus. Some of the referees brought out a birthday cake and it ended up in Ziggler’s face to end the show.

I mean, why bury Dolph? They couldn't use someone else? :smh:
Who would've known that in 2013 The Rock would be champion and the closing segment of RAW would involve Lesnar F5'ing Vince to ECW chants.
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Great, not only do we have Twice in a Lifetime happening, we get to see Brock vs the Father in Law. Or the FIL in his corner. (HHH VS BROCK)

Shaping up to be a great WM... :stoneface:

Punk makes Rock look so much better in their segments. So much better.

Loved the shots on the lack of in house appearances for Dwayne. However that could change. One in-house appearance to surprise Punk

Back to Brock: Great to see him back to finish his limited appearances like his contract stated. What does that leave Paul Heyman? Managing both Punk and Brock? I see it more as with Brock's side and Punk with the Shield. So expected.

Hooray for WWE! :stoneface:

Save us Y2J Punk
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Who would've known that in 2013 The Rock would be champion and the closing segment of RAW would involve Lesnar F5'ing Vince to ECW chants.

Not me.

I haven't seen the RR yet but tonight was a very decent RAW.
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Who would've known that in 2013 The Rock would be champion and the closing segment of RAW would involve Lesnar F5'ing Vince to ECW chants.

My life would be complete if Bossman came back to feed Al Snow some Pepper.
I got a feeling that Rock and Punk probably got a huge laugh backstage about how many times they each said "Punk A** B*tch." lol.

I like Punk's subliminal about house shows.

Honestly though.....The Rock can ether Punk so I am thinking Rock just keeps some stuff in does his usual and just goes with what Punk says.

pretty good RAW from what I saw.. missed the first hour.. but the 2nd half was solid.
So Rock/Punk Re-Match at EC? So no Team Raw EC match?
That's what I was thinking.  I think it would be better to put 4 guys not named Cena in the match with them.  They could have Punk and the Rock as the last 2 left and then have the Rock win.   I bet the World heavyweight title match will be with 6 guys though.  Del Rio, Big Show, Sheamus, Orton, Y2J, and Ziggler.   That would be a hell of a match.  It looks like we will see Cesaro vs the Miz and Barrett vs Bo Dallas.    I could see them making Cena  the special guest referee for the Rock vs Punk match to have him involved in the EC.    I have no clue what they will do with Ryback.  lol maybe they will put him in the Heavyweight title match.  
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So triple h coming back next week?
I'd rather have Triple H fight Brock at EC and have Brock smash him again to set up Brock vs the Undertaker at Mania.   I like the idea of the WWE title match being a triple threat match at Mania too.   WWE cannot go into Mania with us already knowing the outcome.  We all know the Rock is dropping the title at Mania so why not throw in some suspense by including Punk in the match too.     
I'm rewatching the Brad Maddox footage and I really hope they don't turn this guy face from this. His character is perfect as heel.
So Booker T is suppose to make a major announcement about the future of Del Rio's World Heavyweight Title.   What do you guys think it is?   Are they getting rid of the title or changing the look of it.  Or am I just over thinking it and Booker is just gonna announce who Del Rio is fighting next?
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