Wrestling Thread Jan 28-Feb 3 | 1/31 TNA Impact From England - Angle v Anderson, RVD v Ion v King

I don't understand why WWE think Divas matter so much. Do they?

Much like WCW's Cruiserweight division, I think a WELL RESPECTED women's division could put them over as a company.

With REAL wrestlers.
I'm not sure if that's my eyes fooling me, but was there a sign high up in the crowd that said "RYBACK ATE MY *****"???? I'm gonna lose it if that's true

I just rewound.  It said puppy.
Someone else mentioned it in the last thread and I have also noticed over the last few weeks that the W on the belt has been crooked, or maybe it still moves a little bit.
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Someone else mentioned it in the last thread and I have also noticed over the last few weeks that the W on the belt has been crooked, or maybe it still moves a little bit.

Yeah, I mentioned that last night. Nobody replied. :lol:
If this is at the 10 o clock section then I have high hopes to be surprised in the last segment.
I asked this today in last week's thread and didn't get any answers.

This will come off as brash and cold, but I need help understanding something.


Why would the WWE, and Vince in particular, care if John Cena turning heel hurts the Make-A-Wish foundation? Why is disappointing 400 terminally ill kids (I think that's how many Wishes he has granted) be that big of a deal? Seems like a bad business move to me. I am well aware that merchandising is way more of reason he isn't turning heel. But you constantly hear in these threads that he won't turn heel because of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I don't understand the logic. So, in theory, Vince wouldn't make a move that could help the business for fear of alienating 400 or so fans that will be dead in a few years? I'm sorry, it doesn't make sense. I don't think more people tune in because he's granting wishes. When Linda was running, it made a little more sense from a PR stand point. But those that think letting down terminally ill kids would ever keep Vince from doing what is right for business are wrong in my opinion. So why does everyone assume the Make-A-Wish foundation is part of the reason Cena doesn't turn?
It's more than just Make-A-Wish.

Cena fanbase is predominantly little kids and teeny boopers. They worship Cena, buy every piece of his merchandise in droves, and completely lose their **** whenever he loses a big match.

The crowd reactions when Cena loses is priceless.
I've seen little kids and grown men alike shed legit tears when he loses a match. Very few people have that type of connection with the fans.

Vince feels that turning Cena heel would be bad for business, because they'd lose their top babyface for the past decade, and have no viable option to replace him.

Also turning Cena heel would alienate his devoted fanbase who could react by stop buying his merchandise which would hurt WWE financially.
Come on Rock! Give us some more of those good ol pop culture references and genital jokes!
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