Wrestling Thread Jan 28-Feb 3 | 1/31 TNA Impact From England - Angle v Anderson, RVD v Ion v King

Funniest thing I've read in weeks.
Dead serious. Forget everyone they have now. Let Awsome Kong have her baby, bring her back and let her be the face of the Women's Division. Bring in some Lucha/Japanese talent that can put on a show and tell me fans wouldn't care more about the females employeed by WWE.

Because this "Diva" nonsense was dead in 2003.
Punk taking thinly veiled shots at Rock not working house shows.
I know that flew over people's heads.
Nah I caught it too.
Is that a tiny 'Thank you, Sandow chant?' I hope that becomes a thing. :lol:
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Dead serious. Forget everyone they have now. Let Awsome Kong have her baby, bring her back and let her be the face of the Women's Division. Bring in some Lucha/Japanese talent that can put on a show and tell me fans wouldn't care more about the females employeed by WWE.

Because this "Diva" nonsense was dead in 2003.

You see how they neuter the indy guys they bring in. It would be twice as bad with legitimate female workers.
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