Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Looks like Miz.

:wow: @ the crowd in the background when Hogan was eliminated.

During the initial live pay-per-view broadcast, this action was loudly cheered by the audience in attendance even though, as per storyline plans, Sid "sneaked up from behind" to throw Hogan out. The reaction is in retrospect widely believed to be due to a combination of fans tiring of Hogan's all-American superhero persona, and also responding positively to Sid's charisma. Nevertheless, this reaction was edited out of future television replays as well as the Coliseum home video release of the event; play-by-play announcer Gorilla Monsoon even re-recorded his voiceover commentary, now condemning Sid for his actions when he previously said that Justice's elimination of Hogan was fair.

That's how we feel about superman cena :lol:

I'm glad WCW turned Hogan heel when they did. It was perfect timing. WWE shoulda been turned Cena heel. Do they think they're gonna lose money or something if Cena turns heel. With his mic skills it coulda worked. Austin, Rock, Hogan, HBK were all heels at some point but it's been the same stale gimmick for Cena for years.

They could do something similar to the nWo (+ Millionaire's Club) right now with HHH, Orton, Cena and Batista. All three have real life heat from fans for being dominant and stale for the better part of a decade. They could convert that into an angle. Them vs. Bryan and some younger newer ****** for the rest of 2014.

When Punk comes back have him appear to be saving Bryan from a beatdown or whatever and then swerve and join up with HHH's dudes (a la Hogan). Heel Punk vs. Bryan for the Title, Main Event WM31. Or if Punk is really gone forever or for the forseeable future, then replace that with Heel Cena vs. Reigns for the Title Main Event WM31.

They need to hire the kid. :smokin
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I'm glad WCW turned Hogan heel when they did. It was perfect timing. WWE shoulda been turned Cena heel. Do they think they're gonna lose money or something if Cena turns heel. With his mic skills it coulda worked. Austin, Rock, Hogan, HBK were all heels at some point but it's been the same stale gimmick for Cena for years.

To be fair cena was a heel when he started in wwe and it was great.

I feel the wwe doesnt give the nwo its due and instead gives the bootleg version of the NWO, DX, more prestige.

Thats like demolition being put over the road warriors as far their gimmicks go.
Anyone who thinks HBK wasn't great on the mic needs to look at his OG Dx stuff. His promos from 1997/98 and 2005 are up there with Flair, Foley, Austin, Rock, and Terry FUnk. Probably because he legitimately hated the guys he was working with :lol:
Loved Shawn but hated DX. Never found them funny, thought they were so corny, and thought they tried way too hard
I cant even imagine the Ryback doing a pepsi plunge. Dude would probably turn it into an aerial Banzai drop
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