Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Rewatching smackdown and Ambrose and bray are the best in the business today on the mic :pimp: hope dean goes far in this company after the shield break up. Hoping for Rollins too
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I never said autographed
but I can fake his autograph if necessary...
Your autograph is probably worth a lot more than the real one
good god almighty i remember that Rock vs Mankind I quit match at the Rumble. Now that's how you shock the audience...(and Mick's family too :lol: )
- The Shield kicked off Saturday night’s WWE live event in San Diego and once again cut a promo on CM Punk not being there. Refunds were offered to fans and CM Punk chants were scattered throughout the night.
- The Shield kicked off Saturday night’s WWE live event in San Diego and once again cut a promo on CM Punk not being there. Refunds were offered to fans and CM Punk chants were scattered throughout the night.

Seth Rollins was the one who cut the promo. Lots of CM punk chants throughout the night.
good god almighty i remember that Rock vs Mankind I quit match at the Rumble. Now that's how you shock the audience...(and Mick's family too :lol: )

I forgot how brutal chairshots were before. How did Foley not pass out when Rock hit him solid in the back of the skull?
Enjoyed Hunter's movie on Netflix the other night. I didn't remember a lot of the early stuff with the Click. Kind of shocking he told Bischoff "In a year you'll know if I'm worth more or less than $52000"
Who is that deans putting the figure 4 on?

:smh: at hogan being a sore loser and tryna eliminate Sid. That was bs
The shield just basically said punk won't be here and if you're gonna cry about it you can get your refund
Saw on Twitter that 4w was able to cop the Yeezys on that random drop.

I expect him to be in high spirits tomorrow
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