Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Why the hell is R-Truth going over people? What did this match even accomplish
You put that match on so when Orton comes out people say well atleast its not r truth v fandango
Scumbag Orton :nthat:

Dude is so damn smooth in the ring.

I love when dude slides around on his knees in the ring

No gay stuff, man
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Look at this bald Charlie Kelly looking face ***.

Randy does all the little things well with his character. Could chill on the chinlocks though.
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I like that for once, Orton has the Big Gold draped over the other belt.

Batista trolling in Timbs :lol: :lol: the "Batista PLEASE LEVE" sign ahhhhh :rofl:
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