Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

A gif won't do it justice, the "thwack!" sound out the panel hitting the floor makes it.:rofl:

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I'd love to see Sting just one time and this would be an ideal WM since it's 30

I assume Vince wants Hogan and the Warrior involved too; I wouldn't be shocked if they booked that match which would be :lol: :smh:

:rofl: :x :rofl: "A MATCH 30 YEARS IN THE MAKING"

Nooooooooooooooooooo not a Rollins spill :rofl:
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Yeah...I totally think Sheamus is turning on Bryan tonight.
Would be typical of WWE, but I don't think the turn should happen until the EC.

Can't have Sheamus do the turn tonight, otherwise the 3 of them won't qualify for EC.

All Sheamus has to do to turn heel is eliminate DBRy @ EC because the fans will **** on him for doing that, and that's what probably gonna happen.

@ Rollins.
Mannn theres still a 1% chance they change **** up at Elimination Chamber. Refashion Batista back into Douchetista and have Bryan win the EC and you got a ready made main event there. Or have Brock win the EC and have a "dream match" with Batista (though this leaves Taker without an opponent). I'll take anything over Orton/Batista World Title match at this point, how can they not see that it'll be anything but a disaster man :smh:
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I'd love to see Sting just one time and this would be an ideal WM since it's 30

I assume Vince wants Hogan and the Warrior involved too; I wouldn't be shocked if they booked that match which would be :lol: :smh:

:rofl: :x :rofl: "A MATCH 30 YEARS IN THE MAKING"

Hogan did not pass his WWE physical.  He will be at WM, but have no physical interaction.

This may seem bad, but :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

I'd rather see Hunico get his due as cholo Hunico, but I don't mind that they trust him as Sin Cara. Still a big fan
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