Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

 The Miz on NXT.
D.Bry needs to walk into/out of Extreme Rules with the title now that the Seahawks have won.

The place would go bananas.
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Nah, leaving ER as the champ would be the way to go. Have him come out with a 12th man flag or something to get the crowd even more behind him as the challenger (not that hes going to need it) and the place will be on their feet the entire match. And it will explode when he wins the title. Biggest pop since the attitude era guaranteed. 
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Now that Seattle won, I can see WWE milking DBry into that PPV and having him winning there rather than at WM.

WM will get buys regardless.

WWE can use this Seattle momentum to sell PPVs for ER.

But...with the WWE Network being up by that time, I guess they're not that concerned with that. So my point sucks.
Y'all right. Him winning at ER would probably be better with the Seahawks win.

If the rumored card is correct for WM, I can see him overcoming The Authority and beating Triple Shov and then going on to win the title in Seattle.
I'd rather have Bryan have to overcome all odds lie stone cold had to do when dude love was the challenger mcmahon was the ref and good henchmen had the other ringside jobs :lol:
Just got done listening to the most recent MLW podcast and Konnan must've smoked that good ish :smokin in the expanation of the humpback whales migrating down in Mexico and how the baby whales are fed.

Bought VIP recently so I have something to listen to til my job lets us go home in this weather...hopefully.
This Punk stuff is gonna get spun into a work. I could see him staying off TV till they get to Chicago and he just shows up at random. Or maybe he buys a ticket and never wrestles again. Who knows this freak drinks Pepsi.
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This could be perfect. Suck it up and stay and get a boring "feud" with HHH or come back before WM and demands to be in the title match. The internet would forgive WWE for its mediocre product if they do this right.
I hope for wrestling sake it's a work. And then he uses it as promo material and shoots on The Authority and in turn gets put into proper storylines. Take a stand and win.
-As previously reported, WWE held creative meetings on Thursday and Friday to address the storyline plans headed into Elimination Chamber and WrestleMania XXX.

As of last week, the WrestleMania card was scheduled to feature Randy Orton vs. Batista, John Cena vs. Brya Wyatt, Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar, CM Punk vs. Triple H and Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus.

One match that’s been proposed is Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H, with the stipulation being that Daniel Bryan gets a WWE title shot at the Extreme Rules pay-per-view, which takes place near his home town in Seattle. Bryan wrestling Triple H would then lead to his originally scheduled opponent Shameaus wrestling Kane. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt and Batista vs. Randy Orton.

Another scenario is John Cena vs. Triple H, Sheamus vs. Bray Wyatt and a triple threat match for the WWE World Heavyweight championship featuring Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan in a three-way for the belt.

The final set of possible matches discussed is Sheamus vs. Triple H, John Cena vs. Wyatt and Orton vs. Batista vs. Bryan in a triple threat.
Cena, Bryan or RKO should face the Shovel. All three have history and the basics for a program already in place. Seamus would just be a waste of time. I rather see the big white turd put Big E over.
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