Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

Ahh getting all my Philly people mixed up. Think it was furiousstylez.

I got Tix but there's supposed to be heavy snow ok Saturday. I live in the suburbs so still 45 min for me into the city

I wanted to drive down Saturday but this snow talk is putting a damper on that idea. Been feenin for some cheesesteaks and crab fries from Chickies.

Was listening to RVD's interview on Taz's podcast. Great listen so far but no one listens to podcasts, hahahaha.

here is a list of hofers that one could use case's patera arguments against
patera is on the same level or higher than:

Ivan Putski
Baron Scicluna
Big John Studd
Bob Orton
Paul Orndorff
Tony Atlas
Peter Maivia
Koko B. Ware
Jim Duggan
Bob Armstrong

and am tempted to put down jake roberts as well

In terms of Patera being in the HOF, I def think he should be in it. Him and Superstar Billy Graham were both on the World's Strongest Man shows so he brought some pop culture appeal being an Olympian and Pro Wrestler in the late 70s early 80s. From the above list, I can see Jim Duggan and JYD in the HOF before Patera, and maybe a slight nod with Mr 1'derful. I think it was stated but he simultaneoulsy held the Missouri Heavyweight title and IC title. I wasnt a fan of his but I thought it was big business when he came back in 87 with his feud with the Brain and the Heenan family.

Speaking of Harley Race being one of the biggest heels in the game then, I do have to agree that Bockwinkle was one as well. WIth his expanded vocabulary, he didnt need to scream and yell to get his point across, which wasnt needed during that era. If Verne Gagne kept up with the times, the AWA wouldve been a major player during the late 80s but thats for another posting.

A classic Harley Race promo, total opposite of what I was saying about Bockwinkle.

here is a list of hofers that one could use case's patera arguments against
patera is on the same level or higher than:

Ivan Putski
Baron Scicluna
Big John Studd
Bob Orton
Paul Orndorff
Tony Atlas
Peter Maivia
Koko B. Ware
Jim Duggan
Bob Armstrong

and am tempted to put down jake roberts as well

I'm not familiar with Putski, Scicluna, or Bob Armstrong's work..And Koko shouldn't be anywhere near the HOF (unless he's an usher helping people find their seats)..But JYD, Orton, Orndorff, Atlas, Duggan, and Maivia were incredible popular..And I'd say all of them except for maybe Orton were all more popular and influential than Patera..
I saw Mick Foley's stand up show yesterday. Colt Cabana is his feature act. They were both funny and did a Q&A after the show which was awesome. We waited 2 hours to be last in line for the meet and greet and 11pm must be after Mick's bedtime, that or signing autographs and taking pictures with fans gets tiring. You could tell he was struggling. It's worth going to see if you have the opportunity.
I was listening to an old D12 song (yes, D12) and for some reason this match was linked to it. Good match with the type of crowd that I miss from the WWE. The recovery on the Last Ride kinda near the end.....my god both Taker & Test were lucky that they were near the ropes :lol: :x could've been such an awful botch

I was listening to an old D12 song (yes, D12) and for some reason this match was linked to it. Good match with the type of crowd that I miss from the WWE. The recovery on the Last Ride kinda near the end.....my god both Taker & Test were lucky that they were near the ropes :lol: :x could've been such an awful botch

That last ride lmao
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