Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

solid match
these two are always putting on a match... still enjoyed their hair vs hair match more though
Yea man. Some nice spots in there
How would you guys summarize X-Pac's career?..Is he over rated?..Future HOF'er?..Was he influential?..How did he compare to other cruiserweights of the time?
By time he was X-Pac, he was a joke. He was seriously one of the first little dudes that was in MAJOR storylines in that era of the WWF. That Dibiase/Razor program was big time man. And his match vs. Bret on RAW a few weeks later was one of the best of that time.

He was somewhat of a pioneer man. He won't get the credit he deserves but he is important as any non Mexican/Japanese junior heavyweight of the last 25 years
Forreal b. Gotta be annoying as hell when they just trying to relax and enjoy their time off. I would be say no every single time if if I was those shoes.
Just as a man though, you must have some raisin balls to just snap a pic of another dude man.

Seriously some sucka stuff

Just got around to watching Raw. Ending was pretty dope.

Would like to see the Dudleys come out during The Ascension/NAO match on Sunday.
X-Pac isn't a HOFer IMO, though some of the reasons above might sway me otherwise.

Keep 'em coming, I'm interested.
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I'm gonna have to say that he should get in the HOF eventually..He was part of 2 huge factions..2x Cruiserweight Champ..2x Euro Champ..5x World Tag team champ..2x Lightweight champ..Held several regional titles..And was a pretty consistent performer for about 15 yrs..That's pretty impressive to me..
you're welcome...

talk about hof worthy

awesome informative intro by bruce wilhelm! respect due!

You really think Patera should be in the HOF?..I know that being a Patera mark is your gimmick, but I don't get where you're coming from..Give me some info to convince me..
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