Wrestling Thread Feb 9-15 | 2/15 No Way Out PPV (pg 16) - Two Elimination Chamber Matches

Anyone else notice Taker kind of signal with his head to the back when it was time for Rhodes and Dibiase to come out?

Shane's punches are SOOOOOOOOO weak. It's pathetic.
That turnbuckle dropkick is still
some years later.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Shane's punches are SOOOOOOOOO weak. It's pathetic.

Shane tries too hard to sell his punches it makes it look so fake.
Wack but...

Shane Terminator

Looks like Stephanie's gonna turn on Shane on Sunday
Legacy stays jobbing to Shane O Mac. The match with Orton could turn into a spotfest.
Wow the Smackdown elimination chamber is so much >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than the Raw one.

On Smackdown you got HHH, Undertaker, and Jeff Hardy at anytime can win the title.

On Raw you got MAYBE... MAAAAAAAAYBE Chris Jericho than can win the title.

Originally Posted by stevielips

Wow the Smackdown elimination chamber is so much >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than the Raw one.

On Smackdown you got HHH, Undertaker, and Jeff Hardy at anytime can win the title.

On Raw you got MAYBE... MAAAAAAAAYBE Chris Jericho than can win the title.

I wish but Y2j is still running with that Rorke/WM angle
Looks like our boy Cena is gonna win it again
... Hopefully this sets upOrton/Cena
That was my point. Regardless if No Way Out is a meaningless ppv, you should still put up matches that makes the audience think. With a match like that itsalmost 99.999999999999% chance that Cena will walk out with the belt.
I see HBK beating JBL and going on to win Money In the Bank at Wrestlemania.

To me Flair will be kind of like the manager almost for whoever is gonna face Jericho at Wrestlemania. I swear to god though Flair better not coe back towrestle again, but I have no idea ho could even face Jericho.

Smackdown EC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Raw EC, I think the smackdown will actually be great and it could go so many differentdirections.

Shane missed the trashcan hella bad and like landed first and then kicked it and he was in a bunch of pain, he's just not in the position to wrestle likethat anymore.

That Regal/Punk match was such a waste today, they should have gone for an awesome match at No Way Out

Cena retains to face Orton at Wrestlemania, and I think they'll keep it as a regular match and they have to bring in Cena into the McMahon feud in some waybecause there is no way the feud ends at No Way Out and we already know it's Cena/Orton at Wrestlemania.

Edge retains and faces HHH and Undertaker at Wrestlemania, this would be the best match to me, but it's not happenign, but Edge is retaining.
I don't care what anyone says, I'm really happy with the WWE product these days.

And I can't wait to attend No Way Out Sunday

I really hope MVP vs Benjamin gets added to the card
I was there too.
You can see me dancing around behind Flair when Jericho is talking to him
Originally Posted by Law3001

Originally Posted by GFlower8

Originally Posted by Law3001

I'll be heading to Raw tonight

My girl surprised me with Raw tickets for tonights show in Oakland ( Oracle Arena should be jumping tonight)

My only hopes is that the Orton vs Takers is decent...This is my first WWE show so i'm excited
i believe u were the one i quoted in last weeks thread, but yeah.. what section u in?
ill be at the show tonight too, section 102 i think. decent seats... i guess..

any sign suggestions about the Jericho incident?

I'm not sure yet, when i get home from work, i'll check my tickets....I'm taking some type of NT sign, just not sure yet...I'll be clearly high as kite for the duration of the program too
i was actually in section 101, lol as if it matters.
and damn Undertakers entrance was

but umm... when Raw went off the air, there was "another" main event. I forget if it was a non-title match or not, but it was Cena vs Orton. ofcourseCena won.
but yeah, whyd they do this? and how often do they do that? Orton just finished his match wit Taker, then wrestles Cena right after... ?

but damn kids really go **+!%$ crazy for John Cena.

this was my first WWE (live) event, the last one I've been to was a WCW Nitro way back when .. Im thinkin of goin to that Night Of Champions show, its upin SAC. ima have to look into that ..
Originally Posted by Jules300

I hope ROH comes out with a better product than WWE and TNA these days
as long as they do what they do best and wrestle.... they wont have a prob in my book. but they gotta keep that balance and not have crazyspotfests....
Originally Posted by GFlower8

Originally Posted by Law3001

GFlower8 wrote:

Law3001 wrote:

I'll be heading to Raw tonight

My girl surprised me with Raw tickets for tonights show in Oakland ( Oracle Arena should be jumping tonight)

My only hopes is that the Orton vs Takers is decent...This is my first WWE show so i'm excited
i believe u were the one i quoted in last weeks thread, but yeah.. what section u in?

ill be at the show tonight too, section 102 i think. decent seats... i guess..

any sign suggestions about the Jericho incident?

I'm not sure yet, when i get home from work, i'll check my tickets....I'm taking some type of NT sign, just not sure yet...I'll be clearly high
as kite for the duration of the program too

i was actually in section 101, lol as if it matters.
and damn Undertakers entrance was

but umm... when Raw went off the air, there was "another" main event. I forget if it was a non-title match or not, but it was Cena vs Orton. of courseCena won.
but yeah, whyd they do this? and how often do they do that? Orton just finished his match wit Taker, then wrestles Cena right after... ?

but damn kids really go %!$#%@ crazy for John Cena.

this was my first WWE (live) event, the last one I've been to was a WCW Nitro way back when .. Im thinkin of goin to that Night Of Champions show, its up in SAC. ima have to look into that ..

I'n thinking bout going to Sac too...The show was fun, the Orton Vs Cena was pretty cool ( especially that out of no where RKO
). Me and oneother dude behind were cheering the Heels all night
...I don't give a damn what anyone says, Randy Orton is one bad mutha *%#@!%...The 6 man tagwas pretty exciting, and Ric Flair was great...Its was crap that Taker barely wrestled
...Shane's dropkick was cool, but EVERYONE thought he wasgonna short it....And this is my first show and the crowd was into for most of the show, but by main event the crowd had started to wear down alittle....

E-40 and Steven Jackson (Forward from the Warriors ) were there
...E-40 got there mid way thru, but Steven Jackson was there like a 45 minutes before itstarted
...Dude was booing the hell outta Cena, and marked out when Orton Came out
. Dude was obviously a huge fan of Wrestling
I was in section 105, but I came down and stood on the stairs on the little cause the security wasn't trippin.
I was tryin hella hard to get my signon TV
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