Wrestling Thread Feb 9-15 | 2/15 No Way Out PPV (pg 16) - Two Elimination Chamber Matches

Yeah...outside of Flair/Jericho beginning and MAYBE Taker/Orton(been there done that)...nothing really pops out.
FYI ......More Legends of Wrestlemania Wrestler Revealed.

British Bulldog and Million Dollar Man.

I hope Mr. Perfect, Razor Ramon, Yokozuna, Rick Rude�and Owen Hart are in the game.
It cracks me up how the WWE has never once mentioned what The Wrestler is really about.
I love Beth.

I'd wanna see a match between her and Awesome Kong, though Kong would probably destroy her.
toine2983 wrote:
FYI ......More Legends of Wrestlemania Wrestler Revealed.

British Bulldog and Million Dollar Man.

I hope Mr. Perfect, Razor Ramon, Yokozuna, Rick Rude�and Owen Hart are in the game.


The Codebreaker is getting like the RKO, he can hit it from out of nowhere.
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