Wrestling Thread Feb 9-15 | 2/15 No Way Out PPV (pg 16) - Two Elimination Chamber Matches

He do look suspect when he does that..like he tryin to kiss em and %+!%.

Hopefully some good streams get posted.

It's been a tough week for me personally, but I think things have taken a turn for the better, so I'm happy to get some relaxation and entertainmentwith tonight's PPV. Although, for a show with two Elimination Chamber matches, I can't say I feel much juice for this show. On paper, it has a chanceto have solid ring work, but I haven't enjoyed the booking leading up to this show. Not to mention, I hate this show traditionally. I understand the WWEis trying to make money, but if they wanted to really make WrestleMania seem special, they should go right from the Royal Rumble to WrestleMania. Ortonwinning The Rumble has basically been forgotten about over the past month. Plus, The Undertaker, HHH, Big Show, Koslov, Jeff Hardy, Kane, Kofi, Mike Knoxx,Mysterio, and Jericho all have the same chance that Orton supposedly earned at The Rumble. If I were booking, I would have already had the Raw and Smackdownmain events for WrestleMania established. I would then have this show tonight headlined by a megastar tag team match with the main event faces (Cena and HHH)taking on the heels (Orton and Edge). I think people would buy into that match just as much they do for the Elimination Chambers. Just throw some type ofgimmick in if you think that will help increase buys.


Jack Swagger (c) vs Finlay - ECW Championship Match

The buzz around ECW is obviously the return of Christian. One would think they are building towards Swagger vs Christian at WrestleMania, even though theyalready gave that match away for free on Christian's very underwhelming return to the WWE. This should be a good match. Swagger has lost back to backmatches to Finlay and Christian. He should get back on the winning path tonight. We'll see if Christian makes an appearance.

Prediction: Jack Swagger - Retains ECW Title


Shawn Michaels vs JBL - "All or Nothing Match"

This match should be null and void based on the workings of Abraham Lincoln. However, the WWE is obviously above all law, so if JBL wins, HBK becomes hisslave. If HBK wins, he wins his freedom. This whole program has been just so "eeeeeeh." The storyline has been downright stupid at times withlittle logic involved. However, the incredible acting and performances from HBK and JBL have made it entertaining. I think the program has run it'scourse. HBK has basically been JBL's slave this entire program, so making that an official stipulation doesn't add much to the program. HBK shouldget the win tonight and allow him to move on to whatever they have planned for him at WrestleMania.

Prediction: Shawn Michaels - Earns His Freedom


Shane McMahon vs Randy Orton

There are two things I'm interested in about this match. First, how does Shane hold up? Everyone saw him look like a senior citizen in his unbelievable(yes, literally) destruction of the entire Legacy faction. Shane was huffing every ounce of oxygen in the arena. I'm sure he has been doing some prettyintense training over the past two weeks, but two weeks of training can only do so much. What should save Shane is this match should be much more of aspotfest rather than a wrestling match. So he should have plenty of time to rest. The more important question is how is Orton put over? I feel little to nojuice for Orton going on to headline WrestleMania. You would think the sole purpose of this match would be to finally put Orton over strongly. However, witha McMahon involved, you know that's not going to happen. It seems logical that Stephanie gets involved, possibly turning on her brother costing him thematch. Which of course would mean that Shane would be on the verge of defeating Orton.

Prediction: Randy Orton


John Cena (c) vs Kane vs Kofi Kingston vs Rey Mysterio Jr vs Chris Jericho vs Mike Knoxx - World Championship Elimination Chamber Match

This match is almost laughable. I guess I can't fault the WWE for trying to elevate new stars, but neither Kofi or Knoxx are ready for the main event. Neither deserves this spot. You guys know my feelings on Kane. He needs to retire. I also never take Mysterio seriously. I'm so tired of his David vsGoliath matches. Put him in matches against non-seven footers, and I may start to have more respect for him. And please get rid of the 6-1-9 as a finisher. It's awful. Jericho is already involved in a program for WrestleMania. We just don't know if he'll be facing Rourke, Flair, or Austin, the latterbeing the most likely. So this should basically be a cakewalk for Cena. We'll see if Cena is ever in peril, or if he just sakes to an easy victory. Iwould expect this match to be much more gimmicky than the other one because of the lack of star power.

Prediction: John Cena - Retains World Title


Edge (c) vs The Undertaker vs HHH vs The Big Show vs Vladimir Koslov vs Jeff Hardy - WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match

This is the much more intriguing Elimination Chamber match. I think the correct business move is to keep the title on Edge heading into WrestleMania, but Ihave a feeling we may see a title change tonight just because it seems that at least one title changes hands at every PPV, and this is the most likely matchfor it to happen.

Koslov - No shot at winning. This will hopefully be his last main event opportunity.
The Big Show - He had his shot last year with one of the hottest angles of the year with Floyd Mayweather, and the WWE let it fizzle out. He's no more ofa championship threat than The Great Khali at this point.
Jeff Hardy - I think taking the title off of him last month was a mistake, but I understand why they did it. Jeff vs Matt already has enough juice behind it. I don't think the title needs to be involved. Plus, I don't think the WWE would have Hardy vs Hardy headline WrestleMania.
The Undertaker - Right now, he seemingly has no program in place for Mania. They teased Taker vs HBK at The Rumble. If they are going to go that route, theyneed to get moving because there is no plausible reason for that match right now. The guys aren't even on the same brand. If they aren't going withTaker vs HBK, then I would give The Undertaker a good chance of winning here.
HHH - You know he's going to look strong here. The plans for Mania seem to be HHH vs Edge, but you never know until it is officially announced. If theWWE is going to do a title change to HHH, it seems more likely that it would happen at WrestleMania.
Edge - So now that I've gotten to Edge, it seems to me that he is the most likely to win this match. I'll go with the rare occurance that no titleschange hands on a PPV. Yes, there's only three title matches, but still normally at least one title changes hands. Anyway, like I said, if HHH is goingto win the title, it seems more likely that it would happen at Mania. So unless The Undertaker wins the title tonight, I see Edge retaining.

Prediction: Edge - Retains WWE Title

On paper, Elimination Chambers are usually good to excellent, HBK rarely doesn't deliver, and Swagger vs Finlay should be good. The big question is howdoes Shane hold up. We shall see.
News & Notes

Robert Roode is staying in TNA.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]TNA and Robert Roode have agreed to terms on a new contract. If he hasn't officially signed the deal, it sounds like it's merely a formality at this point.

Several people in WWE stated that the company had interest in Roode, and there was mild talk about bringing him in. However, a source close to the situation said that whatever interest there may have been never led to a formal contract offer from WWE.

J.R.'s new blog entry; speaks on Steve Austin, Randy Savage DVD and more.

- Jim Ross has a new blog entry up where he talks about WrestleMania 25 card, Steve Austin workout, and Randy Savage DVD.

WrestleMania 25 card: I would bet you a side of JR's slow, smoked ribs vs a day old donut that the WrestleMania card is far from finalized as we speak and further more that the WWE Draft is still, in pencil, in its beginning form on the proverbial drawing board IF it is that far along. Point is, how can something be spoiled if it hasn't even been harvested yet?

Steve Austin's recent workout: I spoke with Stone Cold this week who is on the damnedest workout routine that I have heard him describe ever. Steve's eating cleaner than ever since I have known him and he seems to be sitting squarely on 'the wagon.' Austin's complete focus in preparation for his next movie role is uncanny even though some will read between these lines to think that Steve is getting himself in freakish physical condition for one more wrestling match. Believe what you want and what ever makes you happy.

Randy Savage DVD: Speaking of DVD's the upcoming, long awaited Macho Man Randy Savage DVD that is set to be released on June 9 is already creating quite a stir and it is still in the development stages. The question is will it be a career retrospective of classic bouts or a documentary with more talking and fewer bouts? One would think that most sane people would wait to actually see the DVD or to know exactly how it is being compiled before condemning it.

-D.H. Smith considered the best in WWE's developmental class.

-D.H. Smith is currently considered at the top of the WWE developmental class by multiple staff members at FCW. Smith has blown away some FCW staff members with his mat wrestling ability. Kidd debuted on ECW on Tuesday, and it's considered only a matter of time before Smith returns to the active roster although there is some heat on him but it'll likely pass over quickly. There are still rumblings that Smith could be in line for a spot in Legacy although those plans are off right now with the current Orton-McMahon angle. Kidd has been on the verge of being called up more than once prior to his television debut Tuesday night on ECW. Meanwhile, Smith is said to have made dramatic improvement in the ring since the last time he appeared on WWE television. The main concern is whether Smith has the charisma to get over in a big way, but there are several people in the company who see him to be a future star.

WWE turns a work into a shoot with D.H. Smith and Tyson Kidd (TJ Wilson) at an FCW taping.

There was an interesting angle done at 2/12's Florida Championship Wrestling television taping in Tampa, Florida. Tyson Kidd came out and attacked his former partner DH Smith during his match against Eric Escobar. After the match, Smith and Kidd were separated as Kidd got on the mic and told Smith something to the effect of even though Smith went to WWE creative to get on television without him; he made it to television first.

Kidd was referencing how DH Smith pitched himself to WWE creative about joining The Legacy faction, rubbing several workers the wrong way because of how it would affect TJ Wilson.

There were plans to do TJ Wilson, DH Smith, and Natalya as the next generation Hart Foundation, which were later scrapped when it looked like Smith was going to be brought to the Legacy faction.

Big update on WWE Divas and Playboy.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Several readers of this site that are subscribed to Playboy Magazine have sent note that March's preview section for their next issue makes no mention of the next WWE Diva gracing the cover of the magazine.

So, as it stands, it looks like there will be no diva posing for Playboy Magazine heading into the WrestleMania 25 PPV.

This could possibly be due to WWE's recent change to PG-rated programming.

WWE workers are weary about weed.

- Even though the use of marijuana in WWE still only gets you a fine, lots of the talent are seeing what has happened to the guys who have failed the pot tests, as far as losing their pushes go, and even the top stars who smoke pot are trying to distance themselves from it because they know it gets heat with WWE officials and nobody wants that.

"The Bambikiller" signed by the WWE?

» An Austrian wrestler by the name Chris Raaber, also known as Chris "The Bambikiller", is telling people he has signed a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. His signing has yet to be confirmed by company sources. Raaber has mostly worked in Japan and Europe, but trained under wrestling legend Dory Funk in Florida. He is a big, muscular wrestler as Raaber bills himself at 6' 4" and 246 pounds. For more information on Raaber, you can visit his MySpace page at www.myspace.com/chrisraaber
4w, if Edge faces HGH at mania, who do you see winning? The nose had the title for the better part of a year, do you think he would take it back?
I think the Elimination Chamber matches will be made pretty good with some blood involved, but everything you said 4w will probably happen. I see the 3champions retaining and you did mention one thing with Undertaker that could happen. To me the only 2 people that have a chance at taking the belt off of achampion would be HHH or Finlay. With HHH, he will most likely headline Wrestlemania against Edge, which is why Undertaker can't win it, they just did Edgevs. Undertaker and the only way it doesn't become that again is if Edge gets invloved in another storyline that takes him away from the title. With Vickieas his wife he would get his rematch either at WM or before it and even if he lost she would put him in the match any way, so to me HHH has a better chance ofwinning then Undertaker. Finlay to me could take the belt, but has a very, very low chance. I don't know where they're going with the ECW championshipand that's why I can't be sure what's going down, but if I had to put money on it I say Swagger retains. Cena is an automatic win because the onlyperson that could win is Jericho and he is already in a storyline for WM. HBK will win and have a match at Wrestlemania and Orton should destroy Shane just toput him over. If it's close in any way to me it is a failure.
i ordered it...three of my boys are throwing down $10, so i'm only paying $10 to watch it. why not...
So what does this mean?

The Raw EC is the main event? That makes no sense unless there is going to be some kind of big surprise. Please don't let it be Batista returning.

Or is Orton vs Shane the main event? Please God, no.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

So what does this mean?

The Raw EC is the main event? That makes no sense unless there is going to be some kind of big surprise. Please don't let it be Batista returning.

Or is Orton vs Shane the main event? Please God, no.
That's the only thing I could think of...

There's NO reason why this should go first. If anything, it should have been the last match of the night.
Something's gonna happen with this SD chamber match later on in the night. There's gotta be a reason for it being first.
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