Wrestling Thread Feb 4-10 | 2/7 Impact from England - Sting/Bully v Aces & 8's

Find me some stuff to watch Peep.........

Since you asked here's some stuff I have cued up for sometime early Sunday

Matt Hardy vs Paul London (Smackdown 03)

MVP & Shelton Benjamin vs Complete Players (NJPW)

Matt Hardy vs X-Pac (Raw 01, European title)

Test vs Eddie Guerrero (WM X-7, IC title)

"Sit down boy, grown folks finna talk!"
Completely forgot SD was on, but as soon as I flip the channel, Mark Henry is destroying dudes, including Khali :pimp: "This is what I do" indeed
"A lot of good that did he's in the parking lot!" :lol:

JBL is great on commentary...too bad Josh Matthews is such a dull human being.
Yea, it's that time.

You all have been patiently waiting, so here it is.

NTWEF News & Notes
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- There are som strong talks of pushing the tag team division, as many feel the roster is the deepest it's ever been. Some ideas thrown around are pairing Peep_Game & PLVN, making them a heel tag team and calling them Peep_the_Game_PLVN. Another pairing would be HombreLoboToMyBeats.

- No word on the NTMania card as of yet , but Rusty winning the NTRumble has officials quite skeptical. Some on the roster feel he's to young yo have a singles main event match and feel that making it a triple threat could help.

- The vignette seen last week that showed a generic roller disco character is for HymenDango.

- JNSQ was spotted in London and is running a dog grooming business. He will return to NTtv soon for NTmania.

- Regarding Club, word is that officials are torn. Some want him to turn face, others want him to run a Horsemen-type stable.

- TheDeek is said to be receiving a big push, possibly after NTMania. Currently BeeMomee is in the doghouse and there are no plans for him at the moment.
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Hombrelobotomybeats :rofl:

BeeMomee in the doghouse and no plans at the moment :lol: :lol:

That damn Naomi :smh: :smh:
Logically, the pairing of Tensai and Brodus should DOMINATE the tag division.

Let's see where this goes.
Of course DC, how else will his botches get covered??

Cesaro should give a shout to the UnAmericans and have the flag upside down
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Dog they still do this colorful **** when Mistico wrestles??????????
Unfortunately. Its a distraction from his inability to go in the ring. I'm just waiting for them to give him his walking papers. He's been a bust since he came over.
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doesn't matter, DC/Steezy got the majority of the votes for 'match youd most want to see' by alot. 

this year will be our Wrestlemania XI, kind of. you get where im going with it.
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