Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

Would they really make a new title after they've already made a new WWE one though?? Though it would make sense, and since in still not used to the most recent new one, I figured they would unify them by basically eliminating the Big Gold belt.

I'm talking about the new WWE Title that Orton is carrying right now..That's what will be used as the Unified World Title..There's no way in hell they'll make yet another new title belt after they just brought out that new Big W belt..Although that would be pretty cool if they did..
Damn HHH can't talk loud enough!!  No one wants to see Cena v Orton for the 3699236th time
Daniel Bryan chants. THE FANS DON'T LIE. Like damn, hahahahahahahhahahahaahahahha

Man I can't even type hahahahahha

you better mute him.

Man got damn. DONT STOP
Trips is LITERALLY speechless. Might a well jus say goodnight and stop the show.
Since they're been talking about Cena vs. HHH at Mania.. HHH prob. screws Cena at TLC to set it in motion.
HHH is an idiot. Love the way the crowd reacted for Bryan. Dude was cracking up. Anyone have the punk reaction to steph on Dvr?
They should have known better than to do this in D Brys hometown. 

If they didnt want that to happen then they shouldnt have had him in the ring.

That **** was GREAT
Just keep in your mind guys, it will be a GAME CHANGER on Sunday.

Trips is walking out champ.
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