Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Is the WWE a wrestling company, or a shirt merchandising company :lol: :lol:? All they do is just print up shirts at a rapid rate. Ditto to the awful logo at the bottom. It screams "LOOK, SHIRTS ARE MADE BY THE WWE, LOOK"

This is horrid tbh
Cena overreacting..
Lol i noticed that too
Cena wanted to meet me so badly. Ref let me walk to the ring and give him a dap so he could relax
So after Summerslam and the CWC, we can possibly have


Universal Title

Women's Title

United States Title

WWE Tag Team Title

Cruiserweight Title(?)

Smackdown: I think SD should implement World in most of their title names so that titles arent called the Smackdown Womens Title or the Smackdown Tag Team Titles


WWE World Championship

World Women's Title

World Tag Team Titles

Intercontinental Title

Although, I don't know how if "World Women's Title" would catch on compared to "WWE Women's Title"

But of course, it HAS to look like this:
Some of them even wear earrings during matches. No respect for the sport!
Nor do I understand why ANYONE with long hair doesn't tie their hair up before a match
Very important to offer your opponent minimal advantages in the squared circle. Of course, clean competition is the most noble path, but you can't leave it to the kindness of the guy across the ring not to yank your hair or jam your stud into the side of your neck.
Cruiserweight Title is being made so doubts about that. I imagine Alexander, Ibushi, Neville or Metalik will be the "first" champ

What they SHOULD do though is swap Hunico & Kalisto and let Kalisto compete in that division

Has Ibushi/Kalisto ever happened in NJPW? That match would be flippy doo fun
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Cruiserweight Title is being made so doubts about that. I imagine Alexander, Ibushi, Neville or Metalik will be the "first" champ

What they SHOULD do though is swap Hunico & Kalisto and let Kalisto compete in that division

Has Ibushi/Kalisto ever happened in NJPW? That match would be flippy doo fun
Kalisto has to get washed by DA LONE WOLF Corbin 1st...

would love to see Kalisto traded for Cesaro somehow...then SD somehow get Nikki and Paige. Roster would be 
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