Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

hope they give dean/ziggler 30m. can't wait for dolph to tune up the band and win the strap ::smokin
I realized near the end that cole and dolph are on separate brands. They gotta let Mauro do the smackdown sit downs.
I'm wondering how Dolph and Jeans' styles will match up..It just seems like these two won't put on a very good match cause they don't seem like they'd have good ring chemistry..

How long do they give each title match at SummerFest?..
To Vince, he isn't on that list. He is a black man.

But for yall to say he doesn't HAVE it, when wrestling isn't like football or basketball where you get what you earn, for the most part, when he hasn't been given the chance to show that he doesn't have it, bothers me.

Go back to his run as NXT champion. He definitely had it.

He passes the eye test.
If a grandmother walks past the tv and sees her grandson watching Big E on the screen, she can definitely see that he should be able to handle his own against everyone.

He is intense. He is explosive. He is a LEGIT athlete. He is funny. He can be taken serious. Like Wtf doesn't he have?

Big E has everything... He reminds me a lot of Kurt Angle, except in ring obviously... He can be the funniest guy on the roster or the most serious... Big E is Def world champion material...

So I heard Tanahashi/Okada was pretty good...

Same :nerd:...

So I heard Tanahashi/Okada was pretty good...

Their matches are always good

Well thats true :lol:...
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