Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Put me on these Ron Simmons matches yall be talking about

Ok then what's your Top 5 favorites of all-time not just in-ring.
Weird question for me because I just recently started appreciating the non-in ring aspect of wrestling. Growing up, all I cared about was in ring. So I might not be able to answer that question honestly
Rey was still doing some good stuff even after he started breaking down more. His 09 feud with Jericho was classic, '10 feud with Punk was pretty good too, and i remember he was still bumping his *** off in a couple of those elimination chamber matches. The one where it went down to Edge and Rey as the final two was flames.
I've watched that match about 3 times, loved it. Wasn't a whole bunch of flash, but a nice story was told, and it felt fresh cause they haven't interacted much while in the company at the same time. 02-04 were clearly his peak WWE years though, before he started packing on pounds, having multiple injuries, and looking washed. There's a Rey/Eddie match from a SD episode in either 04 or 05 that was really good too. Can't remember which episode, but I know they were both wearing black attire and the finish was out of nowhere

I think the match you're talking about is the one from 3/18/04. Eddie spends most of the match working Rey's arm and the finish comes when Rey misses a springboard legdrop and Eddie cradles him while leveraging the bad arm and getting pin. One of my favorites :pimp:

*edit* the one zube just posted :lol:

Yea that match :lol: Ahhh, can't believe I forgot about the Jericho and Punk feuds, those were definitely good.


Rusev :rofl:
Can I chime in?

My personal top 5 based on a mix of in ring and promo work.

Flair (NWA)
Benoit :smh:

I have a pretty long honorable mentions list too lol. Flair makes the list off of mostly promo work. Couple of my favorite promos/segments.

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Weird question for me because I just recently started appreciating the non-in ring aspect of wrestling. Growing up, all I cared about was in ring. So I might not be able to answer that question honestly

I'm the opposite, cared more about the storyline and presentation when I was younger, but I appreciate the in-ring stuff more now.
Benoit :-/

Right on the outside of my top 5 would be Booker, Rey, Angle, and Scott Hall





The only dude that can do a convincing outside dive right now


Rey had a very good run. Like you said earlier he definitely became a more complete wrestler in the WWE. You really could put him in there with virtually anyone
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Wonder what other veterans they're gonna try to snag since Shelton is hurt. Yall think we'll see Kurt back or naw? Lol
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