Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

 @ Wai's story about the bird ******** in his parents bathroom

Aug. 9 Edition of Review-A-Raw: “It’s Like Reigns on Your Wedding Day” | Fight Network http://fightnetwork.com/law/aug-9-edition-of-review-a-raw-its-like-reigns-on-your-wedding-day/
[thread="651459"]Simple stuff like this annoy me about WWE 2K. When I want to do a diving moonsault to a downed opponent, the offensive wrestling climbs the top rope, normally, and then magically SPINS while on the top turnbuckle. It looks TERRIBLE. And they have never fixed it. And it makes no sense to me that it is like that because YUKES (Developer of the game) has had games in the past where this wasn't the case. (See Power Move Pro Wrestling <a data-huddler-embed="href" href="https://niketalk.com/members/37733" style="display:inline-block;">@Peep Game</a>
[thread="651459"] [/thread]
[thread="651459"]This is how it SHOULD look. Climb the top rope FACING the audience, to perform a moonsault. Simple[/thread]
[thread="651459"] [/thread]


:rofl: :rofl: you know how much I hate Power Move Pro Wrestling. Always noticed that too though.

Why is Great Muta facing Charles Robinson though?
Nothing at all man just trying to get my work done but I am not feeling it today :smh:

Your ready for our draft man?? Can't wait for you to wash 22shotz in week 1 :smokin

I hear ya. I was feeling like that Sunday.

And yessir :pimp: Imma send 22 back to his Twisted Tea submerged grave :pimp:
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After watching Razor Ramon explain how he and Vince had to come up with his gimmick, I can see Ambrose brainstorming with Vince and telling him about how he grew up the way he said and Vince just going, "that's it!...you're looney...a lunatic..a lunatic...fringe!!!"

I could see that being the case. :lol:
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That list is very random, but what stood out most is Goldust at #49 in front of soooooooooo many other guys is :rofl: Clearly a longevity though, no slight to him.

Daniel Bryan directly in front of HHH though :nerd:
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Yea honestly ranking 101 ppl is just too ambitious of a challenge

Once I saw Miz start it off at 101

Like son just threw names out there until around 30. Then tried to actually make some sense to his ranking
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