Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

This **** is corny and I hate using that word but man :smh: :x

First off b I almost took it off in the first 8 seconds. straight bit the keys off a song I can't remember the name right now might be queen, GnR or Elton John. Second after you get past the horribly placed (should have been the Intro to the song before the keys) queen esq singing then you have this middle of America suburban white teens fake punk garage band rock. Took it off after a minute. **** is over produced and the engineering is off too.

At first I thought it was November Rain by GNR..And then it does kick into a Queen-esque type of ripoff..Can't get down with it..Maybe it'd be better if I saw his entrance w/the music..
Balor and Nakamura have two of the best themes, KO's is alright too. Everyone else is in the mediocre to garbage range.


Forgot about Styles and the Usos, they're good too.
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Sounds like ya need a poll on that roode theme. I honestly think its weak. Had potential but lyrics are horrendous and intro too long.
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Balor and Nakamura have two of the best themes, KO's is alright too. Everyone else is in the mediocre to garbage range.


Forgot about Styles and the Usos, they're good too.

Balor, shameus, ko, air usos, rusev, Lana

These new cfo dudes are weak tho.
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I can never think about Rowan's theme without thinking of the crowd's collective "k" when it hit and he came out to save Ziggler or something :lol: :lol:
Rowan's theme is like background music from one of those mountain man shows that come on Discovery
in terms of good corniness i think this accomplishes what roode them does not...

this theme is so slow and anti-climactic, i feel like it could be a theme for a wrestler in an episode of the simpson's
in short - its genius imo! its so bad its good
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