Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

I finally listened to that TIJ with nakamura this morning. I hope Vince doesn't mess around and give him a surfer gimmick on the main roster.
I am sure Rhinos posted that video more than anyone else has posted any video that they frequently post

Any main event or superstars matches of late worth watching?

A couple I posted the other day. Jey Uso vs Tyler Breeze and Hype Bros vs Vaudevillians. I'm waiting on Sin Cara to unmask finally and go back to the good ol days

Still mindblown about Finn being 35, he doesn't look older than 26 :lol: he definitely needs that facial hair

Such an undeserving PoS.

feel bad for Sami zayn. Giving all his tv time to some lame that likes to hopscotch on ppls chest

Damn son, where'd ya find this
Haven't watched NXT yet, but my brother told me Booby ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO's theme is tough.

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