Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Mixture of both but def more hardcore fans go to Mania and SummerSlam IMO

I think it's a nice mix to be honest..Of course you get the big international fans that come, but a lot of people that are within' decent driving distance attend and they aren't even big wrestling fans..Either way it's a must have experience for any wrestling fan no matter if they're hardcore fans or casual fans..Can't wait for next year..
Mixture of both but def more hardcore fans go to Mania and SummerSlam IMO

I think it's a nice mix to be honest..Of course you get the big international fans that come, but a lot of people that are within' decent driving distance attend and they aren't even big wrestling fans..Either way it's a must have experience for any wrestling fan no matter if they're hardcore fans or casual fans..Can't wait for next year..

It's great but let's see 6 months from now. Never trust a 1 week/1 month push.

How many times has Dolph Ziggler received a 1 month push? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:  


Hey he's got another title shot at SS

I'm sure this will be the push that really sticks

Will Ostrich with another injury, his shoulder (again). So let's recap his injuries since debuting in 2012:

* He’s has two slipped discs in his back
* Seven concussions
* A shoulder that is prone to separation
* Two fractured heels
* Sciatica that is causing numbness in his foot

Dude is only 23 :x
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Will Ostrich with another injury, his shoulder (again). So let's recap his injuries since debuting in 2012:

* He’s has two slipped discs in his back
* Seven concussions
* A shoulder that is prone to separation
* Two fractured heels
* Sciatica that is causing numbness in his foot

Dude is only 23
A ladder match between Sasha and Charlotte will be different..

Besides Sasha/Bayley's Ironman match, was the last WWE women's stipulation match the LayCool vs Beth/Nattie table match :lol: ?

Chono is one of my all time favorite Japanese wrestlers..I don't think I've ever seen a match with him in it that I didn't enjoy..Absolute legend..

Ditto. And Chono had a lowkey cool factor with the shades and trench coat
Will Ostrich with another injury, his shoulder (again). So let's recap his injuries since debuting in 2012:

* He’s has two slipped discs in his back
* Seven concussions
* A shoulder that is prone to separation
* Two fractured heels
* Sciatica that is causing numbness in his foot

Dude is only 23
WWE gonna either swoop him up for cheap or pass on him
I was watching Brocks last couple of matches with taker roman and dean. Brock is a beast cant wait for him to destroy orton.
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