Wrestling Thread Aug 31-Sep 13: 9/7 Raw- Happy Labor Day, Paige vs Sasha

So apparently, Stardust has a new stable.... with the Ascension.

@ Casper hemming up Cameron on Total Divas.

Nattie calling Big E "voluptuous"
ESPN doesn't call anyone ****, and you don't know that dude personally so who are you to speak on his use of it. Every example you've used so far has been *** :lol:

PLEASE say NIGS and use ESPN using NIG as an abbreviation for Nigeria be your justification :rofl:

Depends on the context. I've heard Jewish people refer to themselves as Jews and them being called Jews by those who mean it negatively. Rican the same thing. I don't know if Japanese people in casual conversation refer to themselves as **** or not. I know for a fact however they have in recent years made ads with Obama as a monkey. Still produce anime with larger then life lips on black characters. A recent Kotaku article points out how pop stars wear Nazi uniforms as cool outfits because they don't understand how we perceive it. I don't automatically suspect racism. I agree it's ignorance on their part but we're all capable of disrespect to unknown cultures.

My point is assuming racism or automatically condemning someone without context is wrong. Especially written and not spoken. There's no tone to it. I'm not trying to justify any use of a word in a NEGATIVE context. Sorry for the derail. Didn't think my post would take off like this.
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