Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

Christian Cage was $$$


I concur....
I don't wanna be a broken record, but what was the point of that Zach Gowen beatdown :lol: to make Brock look like a bigger monster since he doesn't have compassion?
How has Adam Rose been on Raw? I literally missed each episode since his debut. And why hasn't Bo gotten the call up yet? Dude's gimmick would be great for the big audience.
How has Adam Rose been on Raw? I literally missed each episode since his debut. And why hasn't Bo gotten the call up yet? Dude's gimmick would be great for the big audience.

Rose is debuting this week on Raw. Only his vignettes have been shown so far. And Bo is debuting soon, his vignettes have been airing as well.
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I'm half way through this week's episode. What better way to bring Bo to the main roster than as a loser!

And I read the spoilers. Takeover is in need of a Cesaro/Zayn match. Kidd/Neville should be decent. But that Cesaro/Zayn...Antonio Banderas.gif

Girl's been selling her *** off since she came in, and seems like her wrestling has gotten decent enough to catch up. Maybe Barrett has been teaching her some moves.

Also, had no idea about that Menagerie group in TNA and looked them up. So that's the plan they have for Rob Terry :lol: I'll wait before I call it a Wyatt ripoff though
NXT just does things the right way. Few things worth noting

1. I love the old school "interviews from the locker room while someone is in the ring waiting for their opponent" cut-aways that they did in the early part of the Bayley/Sasha banks match.

2. LOL @ Whole world in his hands singing while Bo was in the ring

3. Love them showing Brodus/Neville warming up before their match. Nice touch

4. Is Tyson Kidd being put on restricted minutes due to the injury?

5. Funny that Alexis Bliss has been on the WWE Website for MONTHS and she is just showing face now. Anyone know anything about her?

6. I want to see Bayley's *******. She hides them like Alicia Fox hides hers. Bayleys backside seems to have shrunk some. But in all seriousness, he moveset is starting to open up finally. No brainer, she should do a bearHUG. Duh........

7. Oliver Grey is too good of a talent to get disrespected by Mojo Rawley.

8. Leon Rose, still not a fan of that whole gimmick. But I will say, it was funny how Devin Taylor started dancing with Rose's crew when she was supposed to be interviewing Camacho.

9. Is Camacho no longer "Mexican?" No accent anymore.

10. Regal loves his countrymen/women.

Good show overall.
:D Nice Sell
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SERENA DEEB vs MIA YIM- PRO WRESTLING BOMBSHELLS- 3/8/2014: I reviewed a Serena Deeb match against that wee Japanese hellion- Kana- from SMASH! and I really dug young Deeb. This match is from last month and she's grown her hair out and is wearing a more- you know, the area that a lady has between her shoulders and her belly button- intensive top, a play which I will back 100%. I am UNFAMILIAR with Mia Yim (probably).(9) They are wrestling in one of the four thousand ballrooms in the Northeast where one can stage a wrestling match- of which I have been to a few in my time. They make with the standing switches early and the announcer is yelling a lot. Allow me to turn him down. This starts pretty basic, but is already a lot better than the three Oz Academy matches I watched earlier. They hit it with a lot more purpose and intensity- even when working a headlock spot. Hey, they work a headlock spot! And Serena makes with a drop toe hold! These gals should go wrestle in All-Star Wrestling in Great Britain. This is fun- what with the endless roll-ups into a weird *** Two Count Rolling Cradle Ball rolling aboot the ring. Then they start beating the hell out of each other with chops to the GIRLPECS~! It's official, I like Mia Yim. OKayOkayOkayOkayOkay,

Hold on hold on hold on- HOW DOES SERENA DEEB HAVE THE BEST PUNCHES IN WRESTLING? JESUS CHRIST, WATCH THIS MATCH. Her punches look ******* GREAT. God, this match is awesome. Deeb procures the Leg Based Full Nelson Variation and Serena becomes more and more evil. Serena's offense looks really great and a lot of that is Yim leaning into it. Serena hits the RIB-BRREAKAH! but Yim fights back- and her offence isn't as nasty looking as Deeb's but still is pretty hurty looking most of the time. Finish is weird in that wierd is GREAT here- IN THAT they hit a finisher and the person hit with this finisher is THEN PINNED- in 2014! This match was great. Deebs should just punch people the whole match. She is now ******* awesome.

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