Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

if that were true they wouldnt have put him in the tournament in the first place, to protect him even more. and also they wouldnt have given sheamus the clean loss. they couldve gave him a dirty loss, DQ loss, or count out loss. 
He and Barrett have had similar beefs in the past. And you gotta try to get some "prestige" back in the title so he lost en route to Barrett winning. And also...Batista is HHH homie. That's pretty certain as far as booking has gone in the past. Just saying.
he stiffed 'em when he went back too - what a smark.
smart kid 
ziggler heel turn? read a report a few weeks ago that they were planning a miz/ziggler tag team. a disgruntled, angry team
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