Wrestling Thread April 13-19 | 4/19 TNA Lockdown PPV from Philadelphia - Sting vs Mick Foley

You know what I just realized...

Josh Matthews was on the first season of Tough Enough, he didn't win YET he's still around while the two winners are loooooooong gone.
Swagger is a terrible champion.

Raw is going to the be the definite A show after tonight IMO.

Of course the great ego was going to Raw. Cena has to go to Smackdown.
Matt's push immediately is down the drain. There is ZERO chance he does anything other than be a midcarder on Raw. That is a terrible move.

Did Michael Cole just have an orgasm when HHH was announced?
Like I said... HHH has been the focal point of Raw for the past three months. What's the big deal?
I can't stand Cole. Gee what a surprise, Cena Wins.

I'm not so sure I like Matt Hardy to Raw. No surprise in HHH to raw though
There went Matt and The Omega One who is so powerful he has two entrance themes. Raw continues to rape Smackdown of talent.
yes this is a dumb question, but are they ever going to move the ECW champion to either raw or smackdown?
I'm watching the Mets game and my DVR is recording 24. 3 Raw's in a row I'm passing up. This thread will suffice. I would have liked Matt to stayon Smackdown but the other picks have been good so far.
Listen up guys.... Cody, pull up your knee pads tonight. Ted, keep your generic promos and haircut. 1, 2, 3, BREAK!
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