Wrestling Thread Apr 15-21 | 4/16 Forget that Awful Raw... WRESTLEMANIA PPV PRED CONTEST RESULTS!

^I wonder who will be the scapegoat if it turns out to be true. (Regarding buyrates)
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My cousin wanted to buy 29 but the $70 tag shook him off and he used a stream instead. Would lowering the prices of PPV affect the product somehow?
WWE wants their premiere product to be seen as equal to a Floyd Mayweather fight, and thus, carry the same price tag.
Pleased with my 2nd place in the Wrestlemania prediction contest :smokin

Solid first attempt.
Love the news about the WM buyrate. Now where are all the **** boys who kept saying Rock/Cena II would break records and be best for business?
The $70 price tag has something to do with it & lets be honest, besides Undertakers matches, Wrestlemania sucks monkey nuts. People are starting i think to realize that. I know plenty of people who didn't order or want to watch because of this. 

Instead of good matches, its about Diddy & what celebrity is tweeting and etc...
My friend ordered it this year, I gave him $20. No way I would have paid more for it.
If I was home this year, I would not have ordered WM29.  Not worth the $70.

In comparison, I ordered both 27 and 28.  27 I felt ripped off (my own fault for paying for a main event with miz).  28 I felt I got my money's worth.
In regards to that awful Fandango segment, did the WWE expect people to forget that he beat Jericho at WM and attacked him multiple times? Just cause the dance craze took off, did they really think they could force that on a crowd the very next week, even being a heel? STUPID :smh: :stoneface:
I waited a few hours after the event and found a decent HD stream of WM 29. No way I was gonna drop $70+ on that *&*&.
Main Event (IC Battle Royal), Saturday Morning Slam, and Smackdown Spoilers
Main Event

Justin Gabriel won the Battle Royal for an IC title shot at Wade Barrett.  It came down to Drew McIntyre, Primo and Gabriel, so it was pretty obvious from there who had to win.

They did interviews with Barrett and Gabriel.  Barrett was cheered more than Gabriel, who people were ambivalent about.

Barrett b Gabriel to retain the title.  Crowd wasn't into the match.

Saturday Morning Slam

Jey Uso b Darren Young via DQ when Titus O'Neil interfered and Jimmy Uso made the save.

Mick Foley came out to announce Usos vs. Prime Time Players next.

Usos b Prime Time Players


Fandango came out too start the show.  There were people singign the song.  Fandango acted like he was hitting on Lilian Garcia.  Santino Marella made the save and started making fun of Fandango by dancing.  Fandango went after him, Marella ducked and Fandango flew out of the ring.

Fandango b Santinoi Marella

Kofi Kingston b Wade Barrett in a battle of champions with a roll-up

Sheamus attacked Mark Henry as he was being interviewed.

Alberto Del Rio b Jack Swagger

The Shield did a taped interview talking about how Ryback just stood there while they took out John Cena.  Then they said Undertaker was scared to death of them.

Great Khali & Hornsoggle & Natalya b Primo & Epico & Rosa Mendes

In plugging Raw for Monday, they noted HHH will give his answer to Brock Lesnar.

Big Show & Mark Henry b Sheamus & Randy Orton.  Show pinned Orton after a choke slam.

There was no dark match, only an angle for the house where The Shield hit the ring and attacked Sheamus & Orton until HHH made the save.  It ended with Reigns taking the Brogue Kick, RKO and then the pedigree.
I was looking at the prediction results thinking "Damn, I came in DEAD LAST at 31st" until I saw the screenshots were split into parts, then realized I didn't do so bad after all. :smokin
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