Wrestling Thread Apr 15-21 | 4/16 Forget that Awful Raw... WRESTLEMANIA PPV PRED CONTEST RESULTS!

In before everyone thinks Ryback is the leader. :rolleyes

Most telegraphed beatdown ever. :lol:
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So wack.....Ryback complains about getting jumped by The Shield 6 times but does nothing when he has them in plain sight.
Post Raw notes:

- Cena hits a triple Attitude Adjustment on the Shield to send the fans home happy
D.Bry rubbing off on Cena.

Took the other Bella, and now took "The RyBack" from him :lol:
So wack.....Ryback complains about getting jumped by The Shield 6 times but does nothing when he has them in plain sight.

Its more like he wants Cena to know how it feels like to get beatdown by them and to have no one there to help him. Everyone in this thread saw it coming especially since production f'd up too by showing Rollins beforehand
Terrible Raw

General question:

You guys think Rock will ever wrestle again? Or is he done for good
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So wack.....Ryback complains about getting jumped by The Shield 6 times but does nothing when he has them in plain sight.
That's the point though. Cena didn't help him when he was getting jumped, why should he help him.

Totally different because Cena wasn't around or in the ring when Ryback got jumped. Big difference between those instances and tonight. If that's case, they shouldn't have had Ryback "crying" about getting jumped in that video earlier on Raw.
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