Wrestling Thread Apr 15-21 | 4/16 Forget that Awful Raw... WRESTLEMANIA PPV PRED CONTEST RESULTS!

Great now Raw will be dominated by two guys who can't wrestle...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Turning off Raw. Cesaro, Punk, Ziggler, and D-Bry both made their appearances. This serves me no purpose now
So was that Kaitlyn's 4th theme or something?? Anyway, Kaitlyn needs to spear both these Bellas at the same time and get this over with.
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Bella's can't pull the bait and switch anymore because their ******* are different now.
I know Nikki has the tig ol bit ties.

But Brie is the sexier Bella.

Kaitlyn and Bella's in the ring?

Should I even bother watching RAW?
The first half is basically Smackdown repeated. The second half is subpar segments and cringeworthy forcing of Fandango's chant already.

The only thing of note is CM Punk's segment and he barely said anything.
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If you want to have Swagger beat Ziggler to set up a match at Extreme Rules, don't do it the FIRST week that Ziggler is champion, and don't do it clean.  Zeb could easily interfere and cost Ziggler the match.

Whatever.  Not worth getting pissed over.  I predicted they would bury Ziggler as champion anyway.

I guess we're getting a 3 way at Extreme Rules.  Yawn.
Just getting home, but Swagger seriously beat Ziggler? :lol:

Unless it's leading to a face turn for Dolph..then what was the point?
LOL @ that commercials saying the winner gets a shot at Wade for the IC title when he lost it today
So falling neck first on the ropes is a finisher now I take it. Dolph goes down to it and this match follows suit. Very nice WWE
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