Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

I'm dying at this Review-A-Wai with them talking about how the Divas get eliminated using the bottom rope :lol: :lol: it really is pathetic, especially with past battle royals with them being eliminated over the top and the second rope.

Also, ditto to them mentioning how Naomi is pretty much the only likeable diva on Total Divas with the rest all having at least one annoying flaw (I'd say both her and Paige, but that was probably implied). Up in the air about her heel turn, but it's early, and I like the very factual promo she gave.
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man baron corbin looks HORRIBLE there. :smh: can't believe this dude will be main eventing in a few years
I'm dying at this Review-A-Wai with them talking about how the Divas get eliminated using the bottom rope :lol: :lol: it really is pathetic, especially with past battle royals with them being eliminated over the top and the second rope.

Also, ditto to them mentioning how Naomi is pretty much the only likeable diva on Total Divas with the rest all having at least one annoying flaw (I'd say both her and Paige, but that was probably implied).

Every single Diva on TD is borderline ******ed..How any of them morons can even function is astonishing to me..
Every single Diva on TD is borderline ******ed..How any of them morons can even function is astonishing to me..

i don't care right now... i'd smash anyone of them. i feel like a dog sniffing for any dog in heat right now b. 8)
HBK has the declined the offer WWE has made him regarding 1 more match at WM32.

i get it's in texas but damn WWE desperate as hell to bring in old talent to shadow their "lack of roster depth" but damn...you know how to fix that? by DEVELOPING them! jesus christ. if macho man was still alive they'd pitch for a macho man/steam boat rematch or hogan/flair at this point... :smh: :x
iPhone 5s..The mom-in-law got it for me..Even paying the bill for the next years..:nthat:

Post a reaction video of you opening the box.

Also, ditto to them mentioning how Naomi is pretty much the only likeable diva on Total Divas with the rest all having at least one annoying flaw (I'd say both her and Paige, but that was probably implied).

Man, I was never really a fan of Paige until TD. Her personality is the complete opposite of mine and it turns me on :lol:.
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Post the video of you opening the box.

I literally have no clue how to even work this damn thing..I don't know how to get facebook to work, how to get a ring tone, how to change the damn background, etc etc etc..I have a true and unwavering hate for technology and if it wasn't given to me for free I'd still be without a cell phone.. :stoneface:
:lol: simple traits of an old person not accepting change or new technology. It's ok case. I still accept you :smile:
I literally have no clue how to even work this damn thing..I don't know how to get facebook to work, how to get a ring tone, how to change the damn background, etc etc etc..I have a true and unwavering hate for technology and if it wasn't given to me for free I'd still be without a cell phone.. :stoneface:

Just keep pressing buttons :lol:. Use the browser for FB, it's called Safari and the icon looks like a compass. The "Settings" app will be where you do the ringtone and background stuff.
I literally have no clue how to even work this damn thing..I don't know how to get facebook to work, how to get a ring tone, how to change the damn background, etc etc etc..I have a true and unwavering hate for technology and if it wasn't given to me for free I'd still be without a cell phone.. :stoneface:

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Pay issues was the main problem Taz left but another major issue was that Taz hated working with Josh Matthews.
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