Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

I have the Rockets game on a different screen, along with that new Luda album I took a chance on, which is surprisingly good and Luda doesn't sound washed for the first time in more than half a decade.

Speaking of washed....Reiiiiiiiiggggnnnnnnns :rofl: :rofl:

Word? Last luda album I copped and listened to was the one with money maker. after winning that Grammy my mans been washed. I got tidal free for a month gonna listen to it in the whip tomorrow
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cesaro's theme is so bad, tyson's gotta wear headphones to the ring
:rofl: at the airbrushed Tag Title on Kidd's trunks

Kidd's trunks > Cena's US Champ tee
You know we are going to see Ambrose in the pre-show at ER.

Damn shame since he main evented 2 ppv's and sold more merch than Cena at one point :smh:
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