Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

Summer Rae is going to turn on Mizdow just like how Sensational Sherri turned on Sting against Ric Flair
This was all just a complex way to bury Mizdow using the Miz.

They had it planned out for months, years even.

It began at MITB 2013.

Miz silently becoming the HHH of our generation
How many ******* street fights has Dean Am Bros been in this past year?

He's got more of those under his jeans than the entire roster combined since 2003.
Mannn say it aint so fam :frown:

Yeah man it sucks..I've been waiting for 2 months to get in to see this top level neurosurgeon and I was told today that based on my last MRI that I have so much scar tissue built up (from 4 back surgeries and approx. 40 spine injections) that there's a 80% chance they won't be able to put in this neuro stimulator..It was basically my last hope to help the leg pain I've been having..Past 6 months I've had my whole left leg lose it's strength and I fall down cause my leg gives out..This procedure was going to interrupt the pain signals to my brain and take away the pain and numbness..If this can't be done then I'll be using a cane (no WWE, ha!) within a year..Needless to say this isn't what I expected my life to be before I even hit 40 yrs old..So I'm doing my best to have positive thoughts and praying for the best outcome..I'm supposed to find out next week what's going to happen..
I actually thought Sandow had a chance. I mean, they buried this guy for a long time, he got himself over, got into a feud that was pretty hot, then the WWE slowly killed it by having them randomly fight on pre-shows and Raws. This was supposed to be the big comeuppance for Sandow, and for the 2nd(3rd?/4th?) week in a row, it was just another match. Where does he go from here?

Also, your tag team champs are on a pre-show again that's probably gonna be a very good match again. New Day is fully heel now (I think?), won a contenders match, had is probably 3-7 combined, including against Fact Swingers. Do they even have a real plan for any of these guys? i wouldn't be surprised if Fact Swingers lose the titles just because PTP is supposed to eventually feud with New Day. I'm a fan of all of them, but Jesus :lol:
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