Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

cena is winning Sunday. and kill me for saying this I think I am ok with it. I just don't see any of the participants ready for a world title run besides Orton and I'm over him as a champion. Especially because according to reports they are paving the way for lesner to win the belt , which I hope happens because I think it brings valitedy and prestigiousness back to the belt. And I think Cena is the one guy that can win the belt Sunday and lose it again without killing any momentum his character has.

Let these guys all keep building that character and win the belt the way Bryan did. Earn the belt the crowd buys into it way more. I think cesaro winning the belt in a MITB match is more of a shock than him earning it. I don't know guys I know I am in the minority but I think giving anyone of the rising stars the belt now will ruin their character. everyone needs to be patient. it took stone cold close to 2 years fr the birth of Austin 3:16 (exactly 18 years ago yesterday) to his first title win. sometimes it's better to be patient.

agree/disagree? thoughts?

ps I'm sick of nt on my iPhone the mobile site doesn't work and it exits me out of the page every 30 seconds and erases everything I type. super annoying
I just don't want to see a year-long program of Cena with the belt... but I get your point. It sucks because WWE is trapped now and there's no one else that could have a build up to it like they did. Unfortunately Cena is THE guy to beat. 
I just don't want to see a year-long program of Cena with the belt... but I get your point. It sucks because WWE is trapped now and there's no one else that could have a build up to it like they did. Unfortunately Cena is THE guy to beat. 

I just think we are at the end of an era/ beginning of a new era. And like a poster said before hopefully we are seing the future rocks austins cenas etc. But i think as far as this current championship storyline is concerned cena is the best choice to win the belt now.

as far as the second MITB is concerned i dont know who wins that im thinkin seth? or barrett
Ideally, Bray should win on Sunday.

Could help erase some of the stench of him being Cenanized the last few months. Have Harper and Rowan win the tag titles too to make the Wyatt family look really strong.

If not Bray, WWE could continue Roman Reigns megapush and have him win, but at the same time, I don't think Reigns is quite ready for that yet and could use some more "seasoning".

I'm fearing that Cena or Orton wins.
i wont be mad if anyone of those dudes win,i understand where your coming from because i myself believe cena will win sunday,as much as i hate cena,if he won the belt as just a place holder then i wont be mad.

hopefully this is the new era,bray, cesaro, reigns, rollins, ambrose, bnb, a rightly built up rusev ,of course dbry and my dude bo.wwe is in good shape,ill glady have patience for all these dudes to feud and have epic matches and storylines,even though i cant wait.like ive said before just dont want wwe screwing things up man.

lets do this!!!- BROCK voice- lol 
Ideally, Bray should win on Sunday.

Could help erase some of the stench of him being Cenanized the last few months. Have Harper and Rowan win the tag titles too to make the Wyatt family look really strong.

If not Bray, WWE could continue Roman Reigns megapush and have him win, but at the same time, I don't think Reigns is quite ready for that yet and could use some more "seasoning".

I'm fearing that Cena or Orton wins. :rolleyes

I believe the idea is for whomever wins the title... Will drop it to D Bry as soon as he's healthy... If thats the plan, I hope Cena wins... IMO Bray, Roman, and Cesaro would all be hurt by a 4 week title reign...
when and how will the authority be taken off of tv. Is it because wwf thinks they need that mr mcmahon type of character, or bevcause they dont have a dominate heel?
I believe the idea is for whomever wins the title... Will drop it to D Bry as soon as he's healthy... If thats the plan, I hope Cena wins... IMO Bray, Roman, and Cesaro would all be hurt by a 4 week title reign...

exactly what i said in my post. None of those guys characters are strong enough for a short title reign. Look how it hurt ziggler. And the countless others that they rushed into the title scene.
I believe the idea is for whomever wins the title... Will drop it to D Bry as soon as he's healthy... If thats the plan, I hope Cena wins... IMO Bray, Roman, and Cesaro would all be hurt by a 4 week title reign...

exactly what i said in my post. None of those guys characters are strong enough for a short title reign. Look how it hurt ziggler. And the countless others that they rushed into the title scene.

I'm actually all for any of the three winning the title... But not if they're going to drop it... Bray is ready for a long title run... And I think for both RR and Cesaro, it'd just elevate them to the next level, and really give credibility...
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im rooting for bray.why couldnt they just have brock in the ladder match,guess he said no

wonder who will be the new gm of smackdown 
oh im in for bray to win. or cesaro. i just meant if it is to win as a placeholder then forget that and give it to cena
exactly what i said in my post. None of those guys characters are strong enough for a short title reign. Look how it hurt ziggler. And the countless others that they rushed into the title scene.
Ziggler wishes that short title run is the reason he's jobbing now
.  Random, but dude is the best seller in the E right now.

I'm with you though, I don't want to see Reigns or Cesaro with a short title run, they deserve a long run.  I can see Bray with a short title run, losing to DBry isn't going to hurt his character.

I'll say this, I'd let Sheamus win the titles just to consolidate all three belts into the Winged Eagle

Also, my dude Del Rio needs a good story line.  Let him feud with Cesaro at least.
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Ziggler wishes that short title run is the reason he's jobbing now :lol: :smh: .  Random, but dude is the best seller in the E right now.

I'm with you though, I don't want to see Reigns or Cesaro with a short title run, they deserve a long run.  I can see Bray with a short title run, losing to DBry isn't going to hurt his character.

I'll say this, I'd let Sheamus win the titles just to consolidate all three belts into the Winged Eagle :pimp: .

Also, my dude Del Rio needs a good story line.  Let him feud with Cesaro at least.

you just suggested sheamus to win and called del rio your dude.
That Demon Kane is gonna win the title mayne and then Dbry is gonna take it back at Summerfest in an EPIC main event
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sadly im starting to think the only reason they put kane in is for one last titles run,then continue the dbry feud please god i hope not
you just suggested sheamus to win and called del rio your dude.
Man, it ain't like Sheamus never held those belts before.  Let him win on Sunday, give up the three belts for a Winged Eagle, then lose it on Monday.  I really hate the US Championship belt

Del Rio is my dude, I didn't like him at first, but he grew on me.
I think they'll do 2 winners. Bray gets the big gold. Kane snatches the E title for the authority.
hahaha Sheamus is my least favorite male superstar. easily. I don't care how many titles he's won. how great he is in the ring. I don't care about any of it. any time he is on tv with a mic I automatically change it. I rather watch khali wrestle the miz and hornswoggle in a triple threat bra and panties match than listen to that tall pale red headed idiot talk about kickin ****
hahaha Sheamus is my least favorite male superstar. easily. I don't care how many titles he's won. how great he is in the ring. I don't care about any of it. any time he is on tv with a mic I automatically change it. I rather watch khali wrestle the miz and hornswoggle in a triple threat bra and panties match than listen to that tall pale red headed idiot talk about kickin ****
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