Wrestling Thread 5/19-6/1 | WWE Payback PPV - Shield v Evolution | Will Daniel Bryan Forfeit His Tit

That Chicago crowd will be more focused on Game 7 than what's in front of them.
I think this is gonna be a solid show. You know these dudes don't wat get get outdid by Takeover.
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Survey completed...think I'll fare better tonight than I did on the ER joint.

Kinda excited for the show...
I think this is gonna be a solid show. You know these dudes don't wat get get outdid by Takeover.
I doubt it, but stranger things have happened.

That prediction contest was rough. Against my better judgement I picked Bray to win the LMS match.

Also, what happens if Beardtista rocks the Kobe IXs again?
Superstar Billy Graham is not a BO-liever and he's a Lemon :smh:

"Hello Facebook friends,

This message will be my last as I have decided after watching the entire Smackdown show that aired Friday night May 30th, that I am wasting my time viewing the WWE shows. There are of course many very good matches and hard-working top guys out there performing for you fans. To quote 2 lines from Bob Dylan's " Wedding Song " tune, sum's up my position perfectly, " It's never been my duty to remake the world at large…. Nor is it my intention to lead a battle charge. "

It is not my job and I have no business to critique or pass along any negative judgment on the WWE. Believe me there are plenty of critics around to opine on the state of the WWE.

Last night when I saw Bo Dallas running around the ring acting like an idiot and hugging his opponent Xavier Woods when the match was over I wanted to vomit. Then here come the effeminate Pete Rose sucking on a lollipop, followed by maybe 15 of his circus troupe of freaks and geek's, he gives me the creeps. Then came the dwarf El Torito dressed in a children's bull costume who proceeds to pin a normal size wrestler. By then I did indeed vomit.

I get intelligent responses from my Facebook friends and then I get ignorant ones like this one from from Dan Pedreyra who wrote about Cesaro and I quote " Give Cesaro time to develop, he's learning, he's hanging out with Cena." Who the F is Cena ? God ? I will tell you who got it right in her response and that is Jaynie Mullins Mullins, who said and I quote, " The WWE is now the WWZZZZZZZZZZ. "


Superstar Billy Graham"
Survey done..Just didn't have one answer I felt good about..We'll see..
This is how my exams usually go when I fail
I think sandow will come out as cm punk today or with his music. A wild statement but I see it happening

Nope.. VKM is doing his best to not **** all over him... He wants him back at some point, and doesn't want to burn bridges.. It's not like Hart where he knew he was never coming back...
Nope.. VKM is doing his best to not **** all over him... He wants him back at some point, and doesn't want to burn bridges.. It's not like Hart where he knew he was never coming back...

I think it has more to do with the fact that they want to keep as little attention as possible on the fact that one of their top guys walked out on them and basically embarrassed them.
if the E were smart they would book Rock v Cesaro WM31. Could do wonders 

Heyman v Rock on the mic
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