Wrestling Thread 5/19-6/1 | WWE Payback PPV - Shield v Evolution | Will Daniel Bryan Forfeit His Tit

Still not a fan of Cena in the ring. He gets carried through the end until he Super Cenas. You can't tell he wrestling-wise he deserves his spot.

(Thought I do get the make-a-wish, VKM's hard-on for his look, etc.)

Hate on him all you want for not selling enough for his opponent and not losing clean, but if you think he relies on people to carry him through his matches then you don't know **** about wrestling.
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Alicia Foxx
yous guys moan about bad booking but what did you expect? the angle is over and the good guy won. pretty basic booking. Bray will be fine.
Twice on a PPV? And a belt isn't on the line? They could easily trade victories/losses

they did trade victories. Belt wasnt needed for this feud. I think this did more for bray than his time with Bryan. Im happy with a very entertaining match and the end of the fued. If bray falls off its wont be because of this match. No one can argue Bray ISNT on the upswing. Cena had to pile crap on top of him to win. Its not like he stood on his chest with one foot ala warrior/savage.
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