Wrestling Thread: 4/11 TNA Impact LIVE - Bully Ray v Jeff Hardy TLC Match for the World Title

What is your favorite WrestleMania match of all time?

  • Savage v Steamboat - IC Title Match (WM3)

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  • Hogan v Savage - Superpowers Collide (WM5)

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  • Warrior v Hogan - Title v Title (WM6)

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  • Warrior v Savage - Retirement Match (WM7)

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  • Bret v Owen (WM10)

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  • Razor v HBK - IC Title Ladder Match (WM10)

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  • Shawn v Bret - WWF Title Iron Man Match (WM12)

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  • Bret v Austin (WM13)

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  • Edge/Christian v Hardyz v Dudleyz - Tag Title Ladder Match (WM2000)

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  • Edge/Christian v Hardyz v Dudleyz - Tag Title TLC Match (WM17)

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  • Austin v Rock - WWF Title No DQ Match (WM17)

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  • Rock v Hogan (WM18)

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  • Michaels v Jericho (WM19)

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  • Benoit v HHH v HBK - World Title Match (WM20)

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  • Angle v Michaels (WM21)

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  • Michaels v Flair - Retirement Match (WM24)

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  • Undertaker v Michaels (WM25)

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  • Undertaker v Michaels - Streak v Career Match (WM26)

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  • Undertaker v HHH - No Holds Barred Match (WM27)

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  • Undertaker v HHH - Hell in a Cell, HBK Special Guest Referee (WM28)

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Hall of Fame was a lot of fun. Before the event began some wrestlers were walking to their seats like punk and lita, HHH, Cena, Y2J, HBK all in the front row. They were showing the punk/taker promo on the screen and when they showed Heyman running with the urn, I could see him, Punk and Show all laughing. Punk grabbed the applause card and started showing to the different sides of the arena getting people to cheer. Punk got loud pops all night.

Mick was the first one inducted. Terry Funk came out and told astory of when they were in Japan and it was snowing. So there was like 300 people there. He turned to Mick and and this crowd is going to suck. Mick told him look at all those empty chairs. Funk went on to say there was no chair unturned after. Funk was pretty funny. He talked about the hell in the cell match and how he thought Mick was dead and he only went out there to confirm it and was like, yup he's dead. Mentioned that Taker came and said "He's not dead" and then chokedslammed him out of his shoes.

Mick talked about seeing Snuka at MSG and joked around about his younger days. He made a joke about himself going to the gym. He talked about his match with HHH at MSG. He thanked a few people individually like his trainer. He thanked JR for sticking up for him and helping him out through his career. He mentioned that he wanted to clear up someting from the hell in a cell match. He said that when JR said he was smiling he was actually trying to stick his tongue through the hole in his lip/mouth. He wanted to wiggle it through and thought it would have made for good TV. Best part was he said that he has never ever beaten Y2J. Y2J jumped up on stage and laid down but Mick was kinda of hesitant. Crowd started chanting and Punk jumped up on the stage as a ref. Mick gave Jericho an elbow drop and Punk counted.

Next was Trish. Stephanie came out and spoke about Trish's career and how she had an affair with Vince and flirted with HHH. Trish came out she talked about training with Fit Finley. Also mentioned people she wrestled against like Jackie, Mickie, Jazz, Gail Kim, Molly Holly etc. She also thanked JR and she told a story about when she went to the WWE headquarters and walked into his office. She was given a gift from JR. It was the pen she used to sign her contract. It had WWF on it so she said she better block the F or she might piss off some panda's. She then thanked her husband and he was booed. She kept trying to talk about him and he kept getting booed. She then announced that she was pregnant and then people started to chant her husbands name.

Stevie Ray came out mentioned how Booker was in jail when he was young. Talked about how Booker was always tagging along with him. A story he told was that Stevie wanted to go to a party and Booker wanted to go, but Stevie didn't want him to come. Stevie said him and his friend took off running and Booker tried to catch them. Said he got like 200 yards and then fell to the ground and laid there crying thinking Stevie would come back, but he didn't. Booker Came out to a loud pop. His speech was about how Stevie and him broke into the business. Talked about how he won his first TV title. The story was Rick Martel was supposed to win it but he forgot his boots. They came to Booker and asked him to gear back up and go out and win the title. Talked about how people were crying on the last day of WcW. Booker made a nice little speech to his wife and thanked JR, Regal, Finley, and Arn Anderson. After his speech Booker was about to walk away when Stevie Ray came out and made Booker do the Spin-a-roonie.

Maria came out and talked about how she met Bob Backlund and how he had an underrated sense of humor. The crowd was getting restless and started booing her. Her speech did seem a tad long. Backlund came out and within 15 secs had his coat off. What came next was just great. One of those you have to see type of things. Backlund starts talking about how he didn't have a working toilet and had to use an out house. He talked about potatoes in a wood cellar they had. Backlund was yelling into the mic and just being loud. He mentioned that when he first started wrestling around 5th grade, that he lost every match he had. The coach told him to not come back and Bob goes "you know what I did." A fan yelled back "hit him with a chair." Backlund said he should have. Backlund was talking about not giving up and mentioned how Cena never gives up. People then booed. They booed anytime Cena was shown all night. This speech at times seemed like a motivational speech. Backlund said that he is probably in better shape than everyone in the arena. Honestly there was so much that happened I am blanking on some of the other stuff he said. By far was the funniest thing I have seen all weekend. Vince walked out behind him and told him to wrap it up.

Vince came out and spoke about Trump. Trump was booed before he got to the stage. Vince was like you guys are going to boo already and that Trump knew what he was getting into. Vince said that he has to be the ugliest bald guy in the world and someone yelled out Hulk Hogan. Vince paused and giggled a bit and acknowledged that someone said Hogan. Trump's speech was short. I couldn't hear most of it because of the boo's. He mentioned his son and wife, who were also booed. Mentioned his daughter and she got cheers.

Arnold came out to introduce Bruno. Talked about how he met Bruno for the first time at a Mr. Olympia and Bruno was one of the judges. Said Bruno's chest was like a fortress and his legs were bursting out of his pants. Bruno came out to a standing ovation. He stood there and soaked it in. He said that this feeling brought him back 50 years to when he was in the Garden wrestling. He talked about how he was grateful for the Garden and how the magazines back then would write about him and how those magazines would go out everywhere. Talked about how he almost never got out of Italy at a young age. Said the Nazis took out a third of his town and how his mother and siblings had to move up to this mountain that took 24 hours travel time to go one way. How they had to ration food for 14months and how his mother would go back to the towns to get food. Said she was captured once and barely escaped and that she was shot and almost didn't make it back. Then talked about how he got sick and was told that he wasn't going to live. His mother took care of him and vowed not to lose anymore children after living in the mountains. When he came to America he talked about how scrawny he was and how he was bullied. Said a friend introduced him to the "Y" and that he couldn't lift a feather. He said that in 10 years he went from 84 pounds and sickly to 275 and healthy. Bruno got another ovation and was joined on stage by everyone else who had been on stage.

That is about all I can remember. WIll post pics after I go through the 300 I took.
Hall of Fame pics

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mannn with all you guys going, I really am tempted to buy some cheap *** seats just to be there in the building :smh:

i'll be here posting with the rest of loners. one day, I will get to have my WM moment. =/
I'll be here tomorrow. I should have taken vacation and enjoyed it out there. I'll for sure be there next year hopefully to meet a couple of you guys also.
Will be here if I get out of work early;

Definitely gotta get to WM30 next year somehow. The last one I went to was 26 and that was cool.

Hopefully 30 will be epic.

Ready for 29 tonight though :pimp:
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Don't think I'll be here for the festivities, fellas. :frown:

Hopefully it'll be a good show though. And Fandango shines :pimp: :pimp:
Good pics Newz. Had never seen the original WWE Title. :pimp: @ Smoking Skull and Brahma Bull belts.

:rofl: @ Punk's part

Is RVD not under contract with TNA anymore?

Last post til show. I'll be here with yall.
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Good job on the Virgil pic suni

Dat Naomi dress :pimp: Jay/Jimmy know the deal :lol:

LOL at Cena referring to Punk as "an average looking pedestrian trying to break the Streak" and "I listen to some Drake. SOME Drake."
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