Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

^ Yea, I heard that part but I didn't focus much on it because they often mention they skip/don't pay attention to entrances forreal.

Something like that wouldn't make it hard for me to take what they say seriously from a booking/match psychology standpoint.

I feel those are different aspects. One obviously more trivial than the other. (IMO).

It's just one of those things that clouds my entire judgment of them. If you don't know one of the most basic things like that, what else are you missing? It's not a new thing. It's been there for 6 years. They knew enough to mock it all this time, though. Also, Google exists. Just doesn't seem super professional to me from a group that makes a living off critiquing things they are supposedly watching.
Right, and tag team wrestling at it's core is a midcard act. That's why I was wondering why you would take a top 5 pic on a tag wrestler.

He's good on the mic/in the ring and tag titles being midcard is subjective. It's always about how you book.
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