Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

Punk god
That promo The Rock did though....YIKES. Vintage Rock had me amped...it would of been so dope if he came out in one of his old Versace 800 dollar shirts just to play along with the theme of "old school" but that was wishful thinking. Lol. Cena's promo wasn't bad either but he definitely got pwned with those two zingers from Rocky.
I just really don't want to watch Cena win live at WM it's going to depress me. I'm excited but still.

All the matches so far at WM seems real exciting except for this Del Rio and Swagger match...I just don't understand...
I think it would have been hilarious if Rock came out in the Versace shirt and shades.  But I'm glad he ended up cutting a pretty serious promo (Cena as well) because that's what was really needed tonight.

And I completely agree with you.  I feel nothing for Swagger or Del Rio.
They better build up Punk vs Taker to be something great. It's lacking a lot right now. It needs a story, it needs promos it needs hate.

Make the match matter pleaseeeeeee
How awesome/epic it would have been if they went into the match with Punk still as champ.

Streak VS Streak would have been great, it would make a non predictable match.

Still looking forward to the match, any way they build it I know it's gonna be an amazing match.
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