Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

Where in God's name does Vince get these suits?
From MJ's tailor..
Very Poor Mans Kurt Angle...honestly don't know what they see in Swagger. Dolph >>>>> this clown.
Well dam, where did they get Sonic from. I'm type jelly :frown:
But why King had to drink outta both cups though. No slushie for Michael Cole I guess
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is anyone having a hard time taking swagger seriously? he had the worst title run ever when he cashed in his MITB and we all know ziggler is going to cash in and beat him for the title...why is this guy main eventing wrestlemania...
Thought that was a solid match between them. They both looked pretty good, Swagger kept his (surprising) momentum and Miz isn't hurt at all with that loss.
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