WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

"Coveted" huh?

WWE reallyyyyyyy gotta stop trying to add credibility to their titles...book them properly and see what happens.
X-Pac rode the co-tails of all those guys btw..........still seems so out of place with all of them
That Divas match was fine but seemed SO choreographed.  Like every single spot felt like they rehearsed it 100 times.

That's because none of the participants have any real quality in-ring ability..They shoulda given that spot to some NXT women and it would have been a great match..
Even with given time NXT women are just better
"Divas" ain't even close
The chicks in NXT are wrestlers.  The chicks in WWE are models that do wrestling matches.
John cena bout beat rusec then ascend to heaven and proceed to beat buddha allah and the god almighty to cement him self as super star for EVER

I knew Lana would carry the title...after I submitted the survey >_>
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