Would you say most men cheat on their wives?

A smart man once told me "if you don't have your Fun before marriage, then your gonna have fun after your married" .. or at least something along those lines...
I'll be 24 in May.

That is not my prblem

I'd rather be a "loser". Like I said. I am not going to care about any girl like that, so losing them aint a factor. Sir Charles and I were talking hypothetics. Their chance for that has passed.

It is not loserish to play girls who you know only want you for your money. I am very close to starting a good career. If yambs start flocking then there is no reason for me not to take advantage.
I understand. But cheating means you'll be in a relationship. If you just want to be with a variety of girls, then just be their friends and do as you please.

No commitments, no guilt. Wrap up.

There are a lot of benefits to being in a relationship. Some of us are selfish and want the best of both worlds.
I've kind of found it the other way around, I find that women are most likely to cheat if anything. Though that's just me
A smart man once told me "if you don't have your Fun before marriage, then your gonna have fun after your married" .. or at least something along those lines...
you know what I can see that nice quote man
I understand. But cheating means you'll be in a relationship. If you just want to be with a variety of girls, then just be their friends and do as you please.

No commitments, no guilt. Wrap up.
But thanks for at least understanding
No guilt? There will be no guilt wether I cheat or not. I went through enough. It is my time to shine and I will enjoy every minute of it

let that man cheat...she'll take him for half!
lol. I aint marrying these female dogs and garden tools? You high? Even if I was dumb enough to marry em I am not dumb enough to enter a marriage without a prenup.

There are a lot of benefits to being in a relationship. Some of us are selfish and want the best of both worlds.

I've kind of found it the other way around, I find that women are most likely to cheat if anything. Though that's just me
My friend has a theory that women do not know love until they have children. Women can ONLY love their children.

This dude really got cheating on his bucket list?

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Yes I do :D

You don't want any bad karma placing you on the "giving end" of said benefits in a relationship you want to actually care about (marriage), while she's out having best of both worlds.

Just sayin. "You reap what you sow" is all too real, in a negative and positive way .
WANT to care about. That is the key. I WANTED to care about a relationship for a while. But girls have only thrown in my face why shouldnt. So I won't. Congradulations ladies. You win. :lol: :D

I also don't believe in Karma. I only believe in luck
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There are a lot of benefits to being in a relationship. Some of us are selfish and want the best of both worlds.
You don't want any bad karma placing you on the "giving end" of said benefits in a relationship you want to actually care about (marriage), while she's out having best of both worlds.

Just sayin. "You reap what you sow" is all too real, in a negative and positive way .

I don't believe in karma.

With that said I hope not to cheat again, not because I think it's immoral but because getting caught in my last relationship caused so much pain to my ex that she didn't deserve.

I cheated plenty of times (every relationship) but didn't face any consequence until I got caught finally
I don't believe in karma.

With that said I hope not to cheat again, not because I think it's immoral but because getting caught in my last relationship caused so much pain to my ex that she didn't deserve.

I cheated plenty of times (every relationship) but didn't face any consequence until I got caught finally

I can honestly say a good 80 percent of my good friends cheat on their significant others, maybe I need some new friends.....or maybe this is just what guys do. Either way I refuse to get married unless I'm sure I can stick it out, and to be honest I don't think I can. A lot of men and women approach cheating with this idea that it's ok as long as no one finds out, and I don't blame them. My only aversion to it is the emotional distress it causes in your significant other or wife. Most people don't do it with malicious intent.
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I would say thay in general men cheat more than women o.p. in marital situations. I would also say the game is probably starting to even out in regards to cheating. I personally don't believe in marriage at this current juncture of my life and the lifestyle that I live and my aspirations are not conducive to marriage. There are billions of buttcheeks to shake rattle and roll. So many ****s to tickle and lots of holes to pickle. I've only got one mouth to wrap around a nipple. I need to tombstone vagina around the globe and lay it down with a ten count with my hands on its chest like the undertaker. My penis is like a precision laser cutting through labia like a well seasoned diamond cutter as I chisel my name in the pink stone of her vagina so whenever you have some new cooch go on down there open up the flaps to her meat locker grab a flashlight and you just might read, "WISEPHAROAH was here".
As a married man, I hear all these comments from some folks about "Get it out of your system before you get married." and "See the world and do it all before you take that step."

Let's be cereal for a sec, and any married man can chime in on this. "IT IS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO DO IT ALL BY THE TIME YOU GET MARRIED!!" You will always want more, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU HAVE KIDS.

There are too many variables when taking the plunge into a union and for some people timing plays a part in that. For example, you can argue let me enjoy my 20s, let me enjoy my 30s, but then you get into your 40s and 50s and wanting to settle down and you and your wife may want children, sure there are treatments and advances in medicine, but for some people infertility is REAL. That's just one thing to think about. That’s not to say rush into it, but again with timing some people are on the same page at the same time and thus some people get married.

The bad side to that is that sometimes the pages for the husband may go forward and the pages for the wife may go backwards in a marriage (or vice/versa). Spending years with a person can wear on you and put mileage on you, leaving you to want that spark. So, you may be at work, or at the gym, or any local place and after years of wear and tear on a marriage you run into an old flame or a person that sees something in you that your spouse may not admire or appreciate like they used to. This new person THUS creates SPARK you’ve been yearning for! That is why it is very important to keep things fresh, not only for men but women need to heed this.

There is also that moment we as some humans get "The road not taken!!"

Marriage ain't easy and everyone’s situation is different. A married man can say he's walked in a single man's shoes, but a man who has never been married can't judge one who is until he's walked down that isle and has walked that mile.

First off you arent cool enough with 37 other people for them to tell you they're cheating. Most people who do that try to be discreet . They only confide in their closest friends if ther confide in anybody at all

Plus we dont know what type of crowd you hang with either. You could be hanging with short portly dudes in their 30s who just interact with a few people a day. No ones really trying to get with them, whichs means basic no temptation.

That's totally different than being around a crowd that travels for business and have functions where people socialize and drink with new people all the time whichs equals more temptation

yup. you got me. :rolleyes
The question was asked if most men cheat on their wives. I would resoundingly say no based on the people in my life.
I'll re-iterate my point. You're a scumbag if the majority of people you know are cheating on their significant others.
ive never cheated on my wife. The way i see it is you only cheat when ur not getn what u want at home. I have what i want at home so theres no reason for me to cheat.
There are a lot of benefits to being in a relationship. Some of us are selfish and want the best of both worlds.
QFT. Have a good girl now and things can be rocky at times, but I always wonder what if..there are the up and down sides of being in a relationship. Also, if your in college forget about having a trusting relationship, that ish is for the birds
I can honestly say a good 80 percent of my good friends cheat on their significant others, maybe I need some new friends.....or maybe this is just what guys do. Either way I refuse to get married unless I'm sure I can stick it out, and to be honest I don't think I can. A lot of men and women approach cheating with this idea that it's ok as long as no one finds out, and I don't blame them. My only aversion to it is the emotional distress it causes in your significant other or wife. Most people don't do it with malicious intent.
Not only do a good 80% of my friends cheat on their GFs. about 40% of them stole them from another man and they think it won't happen to them :lol:
All men cheat in one way or another IMO, it just a matter to which extent.  It is what it is.
As a married man, I hear all these comments from some folks about "Get it out of your system before you get married." and "See the world and do it all before you take that step."

Let's be cereal for a sec, and any married man can chime in on this. "IT IS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO DO IT ALL BY THE TIME YOU GET MARRIED!!" You will always want more, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU HAVE KIDS.

There are too many variables when taking the plunge into a union and for some people timing plays a part in that. For example, you can argue let me enjoy my 20s, let me enjoy my 30s, but then you get into your 40s and 50s and wanting to settle down and you and your wife may want children, sure there are treatments and advances in medicine, but for some people infertility is REAL. That's just one thing to think about. That’s not to say rush into it, but again with timing some people are on the same page at the same time and thus some people get married.

The bad side to that is that sometimes the pages for the husband may go forward and the pages for the wife may go backwards in a marriage (or vice/versa). Spending years with a person can wear on you and put mileage on you, leaving you to want that spark. So, you may be at work, or at the gym, or any local place and after years of wear and tear on a marriage you run into an old flame or a person that sees something in you that your spouse may not admire or appreciate like they used to. This new person THUS creates SPARK you’ve been yearning for! That is why it is very important to keep things fresh, not only for men but women need to heed this.

There is also that moment we as some humans get "The road not taken!!"

Marriage ain't easy and everyone’s situation is different. A married man can say he's walked in a single man's shoes, but a man who has never been married can't judge one who is until he's walked down that isle and has walked that mile.
did you done goofed?
YOu're better off with being honest to yourself and the other person that you're not ready for a committment deep down inside.  A lot of divorces could be avoided.
These threads can be a trap...but I've honestly never cheated on my wife. I just couldn't hurt her and she's been through too much, I hold a great amount of responsibility for her future mental well-being as her husband.

However, there are signs that she'll bring in another woman or let me sleep around eventually, which is what all men should strive for if that's what they need (not judging, I realize not all situations are ideal).

When we fight, she tells me to go to other women, or if she doesn't feel like sex she'll try to have "serious" conversations about how I need a clean woman on the side. At the same time, jealousy is her biggest weakness and I know that she's just testing me for now.

We also talked a lot about bringing in another woman, but she's very picky. She also doesn't like the idea of seeing me **** another woman. I believe it actually turns her on, but trust issues from prior relationships make her conflicted. She even likes to put on lesbian porn a couple times a week while we ****, she won't pay attention to it but makes sure I watch because it turns her on.

I feel like over the next couple years it is only a matter of time before she is cool with it, I just need to be patient.

Anyone else have experience/success with a situation like mine?
Baby I ain't do **** I promise im jus reading.... She lurks
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