Would you say most men cheat on their wives?

dudes cheat because of easy access to strange! Point blank period...if its attainable dudes will go after it.
Easy access? I don't know about that. Most of my friends that got married and have kids look like Al Bundy now with big ol beer bellies
. Not all but a good majority gained mad amount of weight. They don't take care of themselves anymore because obviously being married means you need to go home and take care of the kids. Working out, spitting game is now out of the question. These dudes aren't getting too many digits thrown at em if you know what I mean. One of my boys is married with kids but he keeps in shape and cheats on her with various jump offs so he's definitely not the norm.

The point I am making is that these married men whom cheat are usually cheating on prostitutes and strippers. They have the $$, and they don't want these women they cheat on to be emotionally attached to em.
Money=easy access!
isnt the whole point of marriage finding that one person you wont cheat on??????

now i will agree that monogamy isnt what it once was, but i still believe in it and wouldnt never cheat on a girl regardless. 

moral of the story, find that one person who makes everyone else look ugly (inside and out) and you wont have to worry about cheating 
marriage, now is nothing more than a social construct and going back for its original purposes, it was more of a business relationship. id think more marriages in earlier times had men with concubines, mistresses, and cheating was actually relatively socially acceptable. 
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Cheating has to do with a level of integrity someone has not how much they love someone or the amount of temptation that exists. Anybody who has dated a pretty girl knows that after a while you don't lust after her like you used too. Other girls will still look good and when you are in a relationship girls seem to throw it at you more. The most beautiful and kindest women get cheated on and the samething can be said about men (the main dude from twilight). It's rarely about what the significant other is lacking or what's out there.
Majority men in America may cheat same as majority woman in America may cheat . We tend to have weak marrital values . But outside of America in the Eastern parts of our world husbands never cheat on their wives and vise-versa .... Well thts for those men who don't have like ten wives and for the wives who aren't js one of ten woman . Ahaha
Roughly 80% of the guys whether it be family or friends, that I know that are married cheat. Cold world.
I don't drink, so I wouldn't be intoxicated when this lady comes up talking to me.

I wouldn't mess with some random chick saying she wants some d either, thats grimy to me.

Not going to let some one night stand ruin my relationship either, common sense would tell me that it's not worth doing that for a few hours which will ruin other aspects of my life for years.

They don't sell alcohol in vendors (where Im from). I literally meant like soda, water. Alc helps but don't make you a cheater. But I hear you tho. I can only take you at your word, which I'll respect. You might be in that adverse percentage that don't cheat, or you may haven't had the right situation to. I hope you don't gotta find that out.

Just read parts, :smh: I done goofed :frown:

I don't drink, so I wouldn't be intoxicated when this lady comes up talking to me.

I wouldn't mess with some random chick saying she wants some d either, thats grimy to me.

Not going to let some one night stand ruin my relationship either, common sense would tell me that it's not worth doing that for a few hours which will ruin other aspects of my life for years.

They don't sell alcohol in vendors (where Im from). I literally meant like soda, water. Alc helps but don't make you a cheater. But I hear you tho. I can only take you at your word, which I'll respect. You might be in that adverse percentage that don't cheat, or you may haven't had the right situation to. I hope you don't gotta find that out.

Hopefully not, I guess it all depends on the relationship as well though.
i'd never cheat on my girl. i couldn't imagine having to find out she cheated on me. i wouldn't want to put her through that
ha nah man it just what i believe in. sure it sounds lame, but thats the way i was raised. one man, one woman, at least in a marriage anyways 
Man you can't say that having a "special woman" will make you think other women LOOK physically ugly. Not happening. I don't care who your wife is. Unless your eyes fall out of your head you will continue to find other women good looking man.
Bunch of cowards. If you wanna slang random garden tools, man up and get a divorce.
I would say most PEOPLE (wives are just as bad, I know more cheating females than males) do, but they aren't chronic cheaters.
They get married too fast or too young. I'd rather get a divorce than cheat.
I hope you get a prenup with words like that
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i see tons of guys cheat, but its only because they havent experienced enough in life and they feel like they missing out. ive had my time and the day that i do ever get married i would have no regrets and no need to ever cheat. yeah my little head is always checking out bad ones but theyll never be worth throwing something good away cause ill always know ive already had that before.

**** makes me laugh when girls think theyr safe with the "nice guy with no track record"
. Just cause a dog dont bite doesn't mean it doesnt want to, it just got no teeth.

honestly girls are much safer with the ex sluts that anyone else
as for the side discussion on whether I would or wouldn't do it. I'd probably do it. Assuming I am dumb enough to get married with the lifestyle I want to lead, yes. I used to think I couldn't ever cheat on someone. But after what I been through I want to cheat on someone. Because when I get that cash I will not restrain. I know the future main chick never did anything to me, but if I had met her before I got all that loot, she wouldnt be with me.
i see tons of guys cheat, but its only because they havent experienced enough in life and they feel like they missing out. ive had my time and the day that i do ever get married i would have no regrets and no need to ever cheat. yeah my little head is always checking out bad ones but theyll never be worth throwing something good away cause ill always know ive already had that before.

**** makes me laugh when girls think theyr safe with the "nice guy with no track record" :rofl: . Just cause a dog dont bite doesn't mean it doesnt want to, it just got no teeth.

honestly girls are much safer with the ex sluts that anyone else
pretty much why I plan on cheating once I get the loot to pick and choose yambs
as for the side discussion on whether I would or wouldn't do it. I'd probably do it. Assuming I am dumb enough to get married with the lifestyle I want to lead, yes. I used to think I couldn't ever cheat on someone. But after what I been through I want to cheat on someone. Because when I get that cash I will not restrain. I know the future main chick never did anything to me, but if I had met her before I got all that loot, she wouldnt be with me.

*You know you can muti quote bruh :lol:*

But from what I bolded I'm confused. You want to cheat on somebody? It looks like a goal of yours.
For the record MARRIED WOMEN cheat as well, but I klnow a few guys that are married that just converse with other women (married) just to see if they still have it or whatever, some do it for the change of pace during the marriage. I wouldnt call it cheating, but its rather different. Some do it for the rush of the risk, cheat that is, many may do it once every so many years. Women do it as well, may not be with men but their so called "BESTIE" Either way its wrong but i dont think ALL men cheat. Maybe flirt but not cheat, then again everyone flirts!
*You know you can muti quote bruh :lol:*

But from what I bolded I'm confused. You want to cheat on somebody? It looks like a goal of yours.
I am guilty of that sometimes. But this time the new post that I responded to came out after I quoted the first one.

Yes. I WANT to cheat. it is a GOAL of mine. That is how I will measure when I truly made it. When dimes that would never give me the time of day now "love" me. And I will stay gettin loot, to make sure they always love me.

Like I have said. Girls had their chance but they blew it. Starting the CPA Exam soon and I have no doubt in my mind that I will pass. After that my devotion will be on my work so I can climb the corporate.

When I do get a girl I will know it was the loot. Dont care how much my game has improved or how much better my body gets from hitting the gym. Then I want to see how many girls I can get while I get a girl, and how many times she will forgive me before she leaves. Then I will find a new girl, that will be the fruit of my labor.
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