would you let your significant other go to the movies alone with the opposite sex

Yeah I would...

I don't stop her from hanging with the opposite sex. If she wants to get smashed by other dudes, she will, whether you "let" her get into situations where cheating may occur or not.

No point in saying no, looking immature. If she wants to do somethin strange on the side, she'll find a way....if she doesn't, then she won't.

the hard truth.

id probably agree with this, but thats probably because im friends with her friends. she doesn't really hang out with many guys anyways.

if her friend asked her often enough where it seemed like he wasn't even trying to get his own girl, he was trying to kick it as much as possible with my girl, id prolly say something. thats very specific tho, so in general id err on the side of not being controlling. just a simple matter of being aware. my girl has rejected advances in the past. so i trust her.

like eiddy said tho, if she wants to get get her back blown out behind your back, she will. can't treat her like a dog.
Yeah I would...

I don't stop her from hanging with the opposite sex. If she wants to get smashed by other dudes, she will, whether you "let" her get into situations where cheating may occur or not.

No point in saying no, looking immature. If she wants to do somethin strange on the side, she'll find a way....if she doesn't, then she won't.

Plain and simple. You are an idiot if you think the 3 hours a day you won't let your bf/gf see a movie with their friends is going to stop them from cheating if they want to cheat
Did you suggest other movies? Do you invite other people to make it a group 

Did you try to find a movie your (ex) wife would want to see? Do you try to make it a group get together so that it doesn't look odd that you're going with another girl to the movies? I don't think you're necessarily wrong, but you can go about it differently. 
i did , she wasn't interested in seeing any movie at all, my friend and i was, so we went together alone, cause the rest of our friends was at work. still don't see the big deal just cause of the opposite sex. its a movie, not like we went to a restaurant or stayed in a hotel together.
For what it's worth, I agree with you. You're laying the details out and she's basically accusing you of being unfaithful without you doing anything. 
Thing as, after a certain age, you just don't have as many opposite sex friends that you chill solo with like that. When you're in HS and college it's all a big social scene and you become close with a few females and vice versa but often times at least one of the 2 people has intentions or at least feelings.

By the time you're married, and I mean you BEEN married you still have your friends that you've stayed cool with but it's more like they chill and come over when y'all have a party, etc... I don't think it's necessarily wrong but there's certain things you just stop doing at a certain point because you've made your spouse your first priority and you don't think in those terms.

Usually if someone is starting to chill with a friend of the opposite sex and it's not something they've done much before there's either some feelings being explored or they're testing the waters and trying to see your reaction.
Yeah I would...

I don't stop her from hanging with the opposite sex. If she wants to get smashed by other dudes, she will, whether you "let" her get into situations where cheating may occur or not.

No point in saying no, looking immature. If she wants to do somethin strange on the side, she'll find a way....if she doesn't, then she won't.
THIS RIGHT HERE. It's stupid to tell your girl what she can and can't do with the opposite sex. If she makes it clear that she isn't interested in him like that, and his intentions are innocent, then let ol' girl go. Like Eiddyfouw said, if she wants her back blown out, she's gonna get it blown out...regardless of what you say about this little movie thing. And if you say no to a situation like this, I bet you end up getting cheated on anyway because you're too controlling.

If you can't trust your girl 100%, regardless of who she's around or with, you're already losing...dump her.
As a guy if you going to the movies with a chick... You know what your intentions are
WRONG. I have two best friends. One of them is a girl. I've never gone anywhere with her with any sort of "intention". Some of us are actually capable of having friendships with females. Wow...imagine that. Mind blown? She's recently had a bf who knew we would hang out, and he was cool with it. Shiiiii, sometimes I'd invite her over for drinks/hookah/whatever....and he'd cruise by later. Was never an issue. Shouldn't be for anyone mature enough to know how a trusting relationship works. Dude ended up being cool enough to become a friend of mine in his own right. 
Movies? We 12 again?
LOL....you haven't been to the movies since you were 12? I don't go that often, but that's only because movies aren't as good as they used to be. LOL at "we 12 again?" Every time I go to the movies, I don't see a lot of 12 yr olds. I see mostly adults (I only go at night). This had to be  a troll post.
Ok here is my situation me and my ex wife (married for 9 years together for 11 years) had a argument saying as a married man you can not and should not go to the movies with the opposite sex alone. Does not matter how long you been friends. so what your take on this, would you let your significant other go to the movies alone with the opposite sex

hell naw and imo disrespectful

if my so wanted to do that i most likely wouldnt be with her call me petty idc
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Basically, there is no right or wrong answer as there are all varying opinions here and it has nothing to do with being insecure or immature.

It depends on whether y'all see something wrong with it and is best that y'all discuss it with y'all s/o to see if they agree with you
Man if you know women OP you know this

She's thinking about what is the other chick thinking of doin and thats what she's Flippin over...cuz you no if you married or not it ran through your friends mind atleast once..

It is what it is...

Me personally?? Na I'm not from American in a sense.. So no she's going to respect my mind and my direction if not she can get walking..

her riding wit another guy is Givin him a shot at it in his mind..a few drinks and **** does go down
OP your friend is beautiful. That's why your wife is not letting this fly. Plus if she's been your friend for 20+ years and is still around you might want to focus your efforts on her and not your EX wife
That's your friend huh? No wonder your current wife won't let this fly :lol: I bet she wouldn't mind at all if your ex looked like Adam Sandler
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A lot of things we never factor when setting really attractive women like OP posted:

Can she cook?
Is she clean? Does she clean?
Does she have a good job?
Is she a cheater?

OP can you tell us more about your friend and why you would not choose her over your ex? Lol
Only if it's her brother...


FOH my wife in a móvie theater with another dude...my wife is not too much of a movie person, so a lot of times I go to the movies without her, but I just go alone.
:lol: @ yall saying she don't want him to go because the girl is pretty

if women only knew it's the uglies that they should be concerned about
OP you know the answer to this question. You have an ex wife and you're trying to get back with her. If you want to get back with her and you know she has a problem with something, don't do it. It's not worth it. At the end of the day, ask yourself is it worth it. Is it worth going to see this movie with my friend if it makes my ex wife, who I want to get back with, uncomfortable? There's your answer my friend.
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