would you let your significant other go to the movies alone with the opposite sex

These scenarios that everyone keeps throwing out are with regards to bad relationships. The "lesbians" weren't happy without the D, they got the D. The girl in the other scenario was in a bad relationship, go get the D.

I guess that is a qualifier. In my case, my relationship is rock solid. I know this because I communicate with my wife. Again, trust and honesty.

I'm sure that if my scenario was the same as those I'd be surprised that my wife wouldn't cheat on me....
ksteezy spittin' too much sense for these dudes on here...

the protection of your marriage and safe guarding it does not make you weak or insecure...and in the same sense her allowing you or you allowing your wife to go out with the opposite sex one on one doesn't make you a bigger man and secure.

any dude who is chilling one on one with a married woman or one that is in a relationship is bound to look at her sexually, which is natural...and if he is not he is either homosexual or lame to be honest...men chilling with women as 'friends' is extremely feminine to me...i usually cut off dudes who come out to chill with a group of friends and then disappear on his own to chill with girls...pull ya skirts up!

at the end of the day all it takes is one small hiccup in these type of friendships to get things to pop off....i've smashed girls who have men and are 'on the rocks', trust me they put out...

one girl i was talking to wanted to date me and fell in love...i told her i don't date, she proceeded to get into a relationship with another man months later and they got serious...one small fight and she was in my office bent over....and you better believe i calculated all this by trying to stay relevant and be platonic friends with her even when she was with dude waiting for that exact moment...

dudes who get too comfortable and liberal with their girls need to wake up...

lol at the i calculated all of this like a mastermind of picking off female friends. All i have to say is not every chick is the same. The girls you smash may not have the same traits as someones girl. not every chick is slime. There are some girls who dont smash thier friends. I think I may have married one.
his situation is a tad bit different tho. I smashed a few "lesbians" too with girlfriends. Now they have boyfriends. lol I dont get those chicks. they dont know what they want most of the time. i just call them bi.

But shouldn't a lesbian woman in a relatiosnhip be THE MOST trustworthy around another man? For one, she's in a relationship, and on top of that she supposedly doesn't like men.

If it can go down with a lesbian, damn well better know it can go down with a hetero woman.
Sure, he can go out with a female friend. Granted, I would like to know about the outing prior AND I'd have to at least met her once or twice.
I just want the same respect and courtesy I bestow upon him.
Sure, he can go out with a female friend. Granted, I would like to know about the outing prior AND I'd have to at least met her once or twice.
I just want the same respect and courtesy I bestow upon him.

The OP stated that it was someone that was known. Not some stranger to you that your S/O knows....

The pendulum swings wildly in this thread.
Sure, he can go out with a female friend. Granted, I would like to know about the outing prior AND I'd have to at least met her once or twice.
I just want the same respect and courtesy I bestow upon him.
No don't let him go. Why would he want to hang out with anyone other female than you? That's why he has male friends for! You asking to get cheated on.
I just don't understand what is there to clarify, enjoying the company of a GROUP men and women is not remotely close to enjoying the company of one MAN....If I go out with my single friends and they happen to invite a group of girls, my wife has no issue with it, because there is trust and she knows my boys are single and there might be other females there, but I'm not there with 1 female in specific....now would it be the same if I go out on a date with 1 woman?....does that really need clarification to you?

Well, what I quoted was you implying that it's wrong for a woman to have fun with a man while her boyfriend/husband is not present. It's acceptable as long as other people are present? How do other people being present change the situation if you trust your girlfriend/wife? Either way, she is having fun with another man.
The OP stated that it was someone that was known. Not some stranger to you that your S/O knows....

The pendulum swings wildly in this thread.

finally thank you, a person you known for years, and i'm talking about 20+ yrs at that.
The OP stated that it was someone that was known. Not some stranger to you that your S/O knows....

The pendulum swings wildly in this thread.

Damb bruh, can I just give my 2 measly little cents without some smart-**** coming to mess it up?

Power down.
finally thank you, a person you known for years, and i'm talking about 20+ yrs at that.

Question tho like serious question have you smashed this friend before? Answer honestly please then I can give a for real answer.
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What is the purpose of me wanting to take a married woman out to a movie? If im taking a woman out to a movie, I probably want to pursue some romantic interest or at least smash.
What is the purpose of me wanting to take a married woman out to a movie? If im taking a woman out to a movie, I probably want to pursue some romantic interest or at least smash.

That's the other side of the discussion.....
Just to hash out.....you can be friends with someone you don't want to smash, and you can't be friends with someone you want to smash?

Or just no opposite-sex friends at all?

YES. i think you get it now...only reason i talk to girls now is to smash...im not trying to talk to them about **** they should be talking to their friends about...

and after i am married i have zero interest in talking to any female on a friend level....

here is how it works:


1) if she ugly im not talking to her---not smashing--not tryna be her life coach or therapist
2) if she isn't ugly and is intelligent...ill talk to her about life and certain things on a friend level but i'll still smash as long as im single...
3) once im married i dont need other women to talk to about life--- that will be my wife
4) i obviously can't and shouldn't smash other women when im married...

this cuts out any possibility of 1 on 1...im not chilling with no girl if a) she ugly b) she aint putting out....cuz a) theres way too many beautiful women and b) theres way too many beautiful women putting out.
Meaning some people post with regards to the scenario presented by the OP and others have scenarios that are far more excessive than what the OP proposed...

I need to eat before I keep talking to you lol
okay after going back to page 2 ya friend is kinda tough so i see where she was coming from lol. sorry man.
Just to hash out.....you can be friends with someone you don't want to smash, and you can't be friends with someone you want to smash?

Or just no opposite-sex friends at all?

YES. i think you get it now...only reason i talk to girls now is to smash...im not trying to talk to them about **** they should be talking to their friends about...

and after i am married i have zero interest in talking to any female on a friend level....

here is how it works:


1) if she ugly im not talking to her---not smashing--not tryna be her life coach or therapist
2) if she isn't ugly and is intelligent...ill talk to her about life and certain things on a friend level but i'll still smash as long as im single...
3) once im married i dont need other women to talk to about life--- that will be my wife
4) i obviously can't and shouldn't smash other women when im married...

this cuts out any possibility of 1 on 1...im not chilling with no girl if a) she ugly b) she aint putting out....cuz a) theres way too many beautiful women and b) theres way too many beautiful women putting out.
No one is talking about new found female friends though.
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