Would Society Survive without Porn?

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

And Scshift, pause, but there are plenty of porn stars with average to below equipment. Hell, you probably got caught up in the AA category. Hell, there's girl on girl, girl on herself with nobody else around, girl on animal, all types of alternatives.

Do you atleast watch like booty shaking videos, or like cam videos with no guys in them?

And end of the day, you are probably going to get a degree from a great institution, get a good job, money, import car, and ++%+%$% will get over it reference your penis size and still be fighting to hop on.

Nah I don't watch videos period... not that I dislike them but I'm not really interested. Occasionally I'll come across a cute chick on tumblr and reblog the photo, but that's to the extent of my admiration of females.

And thanks for the encouragement man. I'm not sure having a lot of chicks around me is the goal, but it wouldn't be bad either, we'll see what happens there

u sweet bruh??
look at priests.

no sex or porn and they rape little boys.

Anton I don't know why you entertain this troll B Smooth
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

And Scshift, pause, but there are plenty of porn stars with average to below equipment. Hell, you probably got caught up in the AA category. Hell, there's girl on girl, girl on herself with nobody else around, girl on animal, all types of alternatives.

Do you atleast watch like booty shaking videos, or like cam videos with no guys in them?

And end of the day, you are probably going to get a degree from a great institution, get a good job, money, import car, and ++%+%$% will get over it reference your penis size and still be fighting to hop on.

Nah I don't watch videos period... not that I dislike them but I'm not really interested. Occasionally I'll come across a cute chick on tumblr and reblog the photo, but that's to the extent of my admiration of females.

And thanks for the encouragement man. I'm not sure having a lot of chicks around me is the goal, but it wouldn't be bad either, we'll see what happens there

I'm not try to be an @*+ but are you sure you like girls?
Originally Posted by CWrite78

look at priests.

no sex or porn and they rape little boys.

Anton I don't know why you entertain this troll B Smooth

I don't think he's a troll, which makes it more tragic
But nah I like arguing with him for some reason, it makes me feel better about myself

Son really tried to say Japan wasn't bad, they have vending machine in Japan with women's underwear in it

Every time I go to Europe I'm taken back at how freely they express their sexuality
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

All the other countries, that are killing America in so many regards

(i.e why are Asians kids smarter than American kids, why do Europeans

[French] kids behave so much better than ours, etc.) don't have this

same sexual repression, villanization of sex as America and they are

just fine. In Germany they put the nudey magazines right by the candy,

with no cover over it either.

How much experience do you have with the laws and regulations of others countries?

you already generalized the hell out of your argument by classifying 'Asians' as being smart than 'Americans'...there are many types of different Asians who speak different languages

the last time I checked Japan censored porn

and Europe  speaks for itself in terms of cultural morality...but for some reason negroes like you (and others in this thread) want to d-ride them like they haven't plundered and pillaged the world to achieve the standard of living they enjoy today...

'but European (French) kids behave better than ours'....
some 'Scientific Method'

what an idiotic post...do you really believe that crap...'they are just fine' ? what the blood clot is wrong with you son

People love to post opinions without giving any evidence, very typical of NT---Porn is bad, Why? I just think it is
you dont have an opinion
We can use crime or incarceration rates if you'd like, can use STD rates.

And you are in flat denial, as always, if you don't think Asian immigrants who come over do better than our students in school.

I have lived in Germany though for 6yrs. Even with the language barrier, it was very clear they don't have the some prudish approach to sex and even profanity and alcohol.
CRIME RATES? This guy said crime rates

how can you use our nations crime rate as a meter for 'behavior' as if every person in jail is a low life criminal...as if they aren't products of their environment...they were just born criminals.

thats empirical thinking for you...not critical think..you are NOT smart.

'I'm in flat denial'....your DAMN right...I'm denying the bull @%*+ you say has a DROP of credibility....

you disgust me...go back to GERM-any with your brothers....

I know I know. Nothing anyone does is ever their own fault. Back to the whole system and what "they" did excuse again. I'm sure that's why my nephew was running up in Dillard's stealing Polo boots and diamond ear rings. I'm sure he would love it if you were his judge.

Still, nobody has provided any reason as to how porn is having a negative effect on society.

And mentioning Japan banning porn is laughable, since their stuff is the nastiest stuff out there and they are equally as perverted in real life.
Originally Posted by scshift

I don't know about other people but I've only seen it once and I'm never watching it again.

Keep in mind I'm a thirsty teenager and I'll never expose myself to it ever... that's how miserable the experience was.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by CWrite78

look at priests.

no sex or porn and they rape little boys.

Anton I don't know why you entertain this troll B Smooth

I don't think he's a troll, which makes it more tragic
But nah I like arguing with him for some reason, it makes me feel better about myself

Son really tried to say Japan wasn't bad, they have vending machine in Japan with women's underwear in it

Every time I go to Europe I'm taken back at how freely they express their sexuality

Females get molested on trains in Japan so often they began instituting female only trains.


70% of female high school seniors asked say they have been molested.

It's a whole genre of porn in fact. I didn't particularly like them. It was too many dudes.
Originally Posted by Af1 Jordan collecterz

You can't stop people from getting naked and #!/&@ and recording it.

this. if people want to film themselves smashing and upload it for whoever to see, then let them. santorum is one of the most backwards thinking politicians i've ever heard of. this guy has made the gays and now porn apparently a bigger issue than the economy. the world has INFINITELY more pressing issues, than porn or gays. seriously, and i really can't comprehend that there are so many americans who agree with this fool, let alone gingrich or romney. i don't get it i really don't. most of me isn't worried come the election, but deep down im scared that one of these people will be elected

republicans infuriate me sometimes i swear
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

And Scshift, pause, but there are plenty of porn stars with average to below equipment. Hell, you probably got caught up in the AA category. Hell, there's girl on girl, girl on herself with nobody else around, girl on animal, all types of alternatives.

Do you atleast watch like booty shaking videos, or like cam videos with no guys in them?

And end of the day, you are probably going to get a degree from a great institution, get a good job, money, import car, and ++%+%$% will get over it reference your penis size and still be fighting to hop on.

Nah I don't watch videos period... not that I dislike them but I'm not really interested. Occasionally I'll come across a cute chick on tumblr and reblog the photo, but that's to the extent of my admiration of females.

And thanks for the encouragement man. I'm not sure having a lot of chicks around me is the goal, but it wouldn't be bad either, we'll see what happens there

u sweet bruh??
Originally Posted by scshift

I don't know about other people but I've only seen it once and I'm never watching it again.

Keep in mind I'm a thirsty teenager and I'll never expose myself to it ever... that's how miserable the experience was.

you're a virgin...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by CWrite78

look at priests.

no sex or porn and they rape little boys.

Anton I don't know why you entertain this troll B Smooth

I don't think he's a troll, which makes it more tragic
But nah I like arguing with him for some reason, it makes me feel better about myself

Son really tried to say Japan wasn't bad, they have vending machine in Japan with women's underwear in it

Every time I go to Europe I'm taken back at how freely they express their sexuality
So all japanese people are bad because ALL japanese people approve of panty vending machines...c'mon son

So you judge a person's intelligence based off where they were geographically born
Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

I don't know, some people in this world just need porn. I don't want a bunch of rapist running around.

1st that came to mind no porn = more sexual assaults .
Yes in the 1800's...... its 2012 I think it would be the next WW3 if they wipe out pron from the interwebz
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by scshift

I don't know about other people but I've only seen it once and I'm never watching it again.

Keep in mind I'm a thirsty teenager and I'll never expose myself to it ever... that's how miserable the experience was.
was it 2 girls 1 cup or meat spin or some $$%%???

Idk, it was some regular stuff. But midway through I noticed how "gifted" the actors were (pause), looked down and I was like "aw hell noooo"... thought to myself this sucks and stopped right away.

Then some NTer posted a chart about women's preferences and I learned the most I'll ever be is "enjoyable"... so I stopped fapping for a long, long time.

True story, BTW.

This is by far the post of the year so far 

You'll be good homey, don't worry about that type of stuff
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by scshift

I don't know about other people but I've only seen it once and I'm never watching it again.

Keep in mind I'm a thirsty teenager and I'll never expose myself to it ever... that's how miserable the experience was.
was it 2 girls 1 cup or meat spin or some $$%%???

Idk, it was some regular stuff. But midway through I noticed how "gifted" the actors were (pause), looked down and I was like "aw hell noooo"... thought to myself this sucks and stopped right away.

Then some NTer posted a chart about women's preferences and I learned the most I'll ever be is "enjoyable"... so I stopped fapping for a long, long time.

True story, BTW.

Originally Posted by Fresh Like Will

If porn were banned a lot of homely looking women would be seeing A LOT of action.

Just saying.
Well, this is NT, so loads of homely girls are seeing a lot of action
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Shift don't worry bro, I got something I think you'll like, really..
Spoiler [+]



But anyways. The porn industry has more power than the president. 
 The hell does he think he is? You saw how prohibition worked right?

I stopped watching porn though after I started limiting my faps to once a week. 

*goes to google "porn on the brain over a long time", and hopes this doesn't get ugly because he's at his sister's house* 

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