Worst decision you've ever made??

Started smoking cigarettes when I was 15.
Don't even know why. Grew up an athlete. I guess it was a rebel move. I loved how it pissed off teachers and coaches.
Finally quit when I was 22.

no joke

i knew a kid who smoked cigs and he did soccer and track in HS lol
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Taking a semester off in college which turned into multiple semesters.
I never ran track or anything but smoking did help my lung capacity. I smoked in college and would do cardio in the gym and had no problems. Lucky I never developed any smoker's cough.

Ahhh I don't think it helped you at all :lol:
My biggest regret so far is being in a committed relationship from the age of 19-25 with one woman, for us to not work out.. Now I'm almost 30, and dating is getting tougher by the day
- Not taking college seriously back then
- Quitting Piano classes (if I didn't quit at 12 y/o :smh: :frown: )
- Not saving enough bread

The beauty of this thread...you can try again. Don't so hard yourselves brehs.
Deciding that I wasn't going to do any internships in college. I was extremely lazy and just wanted to graduate so I missed a lot of the college life
I went to church with my family on Easter (I'm an atheist but wanted to spend time with them) and it was Catholic mass so it was like 90+ minutes. I had to fart really bad so I held it until it came time for the wafer offering and I was gonna stay seated and wait for everyone in my area to get in line. As soon as the coast was clear I let it rip slowly and felt immediate relief. I was like cool, by the time they all get back the smell will be gone. But then everyone started walking back to their seats and I noticed some of them had a sour look on their face like the wafers given out were sour patch kids or something. One guy stared me down like I was the son of Beelzebub. I looked behind me as if I was trying to blame someone else but there I was sitting all alone on an island. BRUH. I was so embarassed and even Russell Westbrook couldn't have made a worse decision than that.
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I went back to school for no reason really. It was based on the advice of pretty much every older person I had around me at the time and I gave into the pressure. They didn't have my major, it was out of state, and I was living with my step dad instead of o campus. This was 2 years ago and I'm starting to get those student loan calls.... my bounce back has been about as good as as flat basketball since then.
Spending $ on stupid stuff when I was younger.

But I guess it's all part of growing up.
Credit card debt in my early 20s. Learned my lesson, but it took years to completely pay it off.

Buying those hundreds of shoes for NO reason. Didn't even wear the majority of them and ending up selling most of them.
Being an obnoxious prick to her instead being the man I was supposed to.

Not paying off a lease termination over time, and then not showing up for the hearing. That judgment aint never coming off.

Not paying a friggin $250 termination fee for verizon wireless. That thing still hangs out on my credit despite being paid.
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Spent 6 years at a church where I thought they were real, brothers, and some good friends. Dead wrong.

Out of sight, out of mind.
Broke up with a woman that would literally do anything for me. She worship our relationship and loved me more then life itself.

And NOW I'm chasing a chick that is giving me the run around, playing games, not fully committed, and I'm over here sweating her like a damn punk. Karma Karma Karma. I tend to follow the one's that give me a hard time but the ones that want a real realtionship, I tend to brush off. I have issues NT.
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Broke up a woman that would literally do anything for me. She worship our relationship and loved me more then life itself. And NOW I'm chasing a chick that is giving me the run around, playing games, not fully committed, and I'm over here sweating her like a damn punk. Karma Karma Karma. I tend to follow the one's that give me a hard time but the ones that want a real realtionship, I tend to brush off. I have issues NT.
Stop that. immediately. your only satisfaction will come from her stopping those games.
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